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AnnStickyNoteObjectRenderer Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnStickyNoteObjectRenderer members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddObject Called by the state annotation rendering engine to add the element for this object. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)
Public Method GetRenderPoints Gets the points that must be rendered for this object. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)
Public Method Initialize Initializes this object renderer with the specified rendering engine. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)
Public Method RemoveObject Called by the state annotation rendering engine to remove the element for this object. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)
Public Method Render Renders an object.
Public Method RenderAlignmentTarget Renders highlight rectangle above the bounds of alignment target object when EnableObjectsAlignment is turned on and the object is target alignment. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)
Public Method RenderContent Overrides RenderContent.
Public Method RenderLocked Renders the lock portion of the object. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)
Public Method RenderRotatePointThumbs Renders the rotation points thumbs of an object. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)
Public Method RenderSelection Overrides RenderSelection.
Public Method RenderThumbs Renders the thumbs of an object. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method BeginClipPath Sets the current path in the context as a clipping path. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)
Protected Method EndClipPath Removes the current clipping path from the context. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)
Protected Method RenderHatchBrushFill Renders the a hatch brush. (Inherited from AnnObjectRenderer)

See Also

AnnStickyNoteObjectRenderer Class

Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering Namespace

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