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Leadtools.Barcode Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy


Overview and description of Leadtools Barcode classes, and enumerations.


Class Description
Class AAMVADataElement Contains all information encoded in an AAMVA CDS data element.
Class AAMVADataElementInfo Contains information of a specific data element for a given version of the AAMVA CDS.
Class AAMVAID Provides information encoded in an AAMVA CDS related to ID card or driver's license, of the cardholder.
Class AAMVAIDBuilder Fluid builder object for created AAMVAIDs from scratch.
Class AAMVANameResult Provides information about the cardholder's name and how it was determined.
Class AAMVASubfile Contains all information in an AAMVA CDS subfile.
Class AztecBarcodeData Contains the data for a single Aztec barcode.
Class AztecBarcodeReadOptions Contains the extra options to use when reading Aztec barcodes.
Class AztecBarcodeWriteOptions Contains the extra options to use when writing Aztec barcodes.
Class BarcodeData Contains the data for a single barcode.
Class BarcodeEngine Main class for the LEADTOOLS support for reading and writing barcodes.
Class BarcodeException The exception that is thrown when a barcode error occurs.
Class BarcodeOptions Abstract base class for barcode read or write options.
Class BarcodeReader The main class for LEADTOOLS toolkit support for reading barcodes.
Class BarcodeReaderBarcodeFoundEventArgs Data for the BarcodeReader.BarcodeFound event.
Class BarcodeReaderProgressEventArgs Data for the BarcodeReader.Progress event.
Class BarcodeReadOptions Base class for all the barcode read options.
Class BarcodeReadSymbologyEventArgs Contains data for the ReadSymbology event.
Class BarcodeWriteOptions Base class for all the barcode write options.
Class BarcodeWriter Main class for the LEADTOOLS support for writing barcodes.
Class DatamatrixBarcodeData Contains the data for a single Datamatrix barcode.
Class DatamatrixBarcodeReadOptions Contains the extra options to use when reading Datamatrix barcodes.
Class DatamatrixBarcodeWriteOptions Contains the extra options to use when writing Datamatrix barcodes.
Class FourStateBarcodeReadOptions Contains the extra options to use when reading 4-State post barcodes such as USPS, Royal Mail and Australian Post.
Class FourStateBarcodeWriteOptions Contains the extra options to use when writing 4-State post barcodes such as USPS, Royal Mail ,and Australian Post.
Class GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeReadOptions Contains the extra options to use when reading GS1 Databar Stacked barcodes.
Class GS1DatabarStackedBarcodeWriteOptions Contains extra options to use when writing GS1 Databar Stacked barcodes.
Class MaxiBarcodeData Contains the data for a single Maxi barcode.
Class MaxiBarcodeReadOptions Contains the extra options to use when reading Maxi barcodes.
Class MaxiBarcodeWriteOptions Contains the extra options to use when writing MaxiCode barcodes.
Class MicroPDF417BarcodeData Contains the data for a single MicroPDF417 barcode.
Class MicroPDF417BarcodeReadOptions Contains extra options to use when reading MicroPDF417 barcodes.
Class MicroPDF417BarcodeWriteOptions Contains the extra options to use when writing MicroPDF417 barcodes.
Class MicroQRBarcodeData Contains the data for a single MicroQR barcode.
Class MicroQRBarcodeReadOptions Contains the extra options to use when reading MicroQR barcodes.
Class MicroQRBarcodeWriteOptions Contains the extra options to use when writing MicroQR barcodes.
Class OneDBarcodeReadOptions Contains the extra options to use when reading standard 1D (linear) barcodes.
Class OneDBarcodeWriteOptions Contains the extra options to use when writing standard 1D (linear) barcodes.
Class PatchCodeBarcodeReadOptions Contains extra options to use when reading Patch Code barcodes.
Class PatchCodeBarcodeWriteOptions Contains extra options to use when writing Patch Code barcodes.
Class PDF417BarcodeData Contains the data for a single PDF417 barcode.
Class PDF417BarcodeReadOptions Contains extra options to use when reading PDF417 barcodes.
Class PDF417BarcodeWriteOptions Contains extra options to use when writing PDF417 barcodes.
Class PharmaCodeBarcodeReadOptions Contains the extra options to use when reading PharmaCode barcodes.
Class PharmaCodeBarcodeWriteOptions Contains the extra options to use when writing PharmaCode barcodes.
Class PostNetPlanetBarcodeReadOptions Contains the extra options to use when reading POSTNET and PLANET barcodes.
Class PostNetPlanetBarcodeWriteOptions Contains the extra options to use when writing POSTNET and PLANET barcodes.
Class QRBarcodeData Contains the data for a single QR barcode.
Class QRBarcodeReadOptions Contains extra options to use when reading QR barcodes.
Class QRBarcodeWriteOptions Contains extra options to use when writing QR barcodes.


Enumeration Description
Enumeration AAMVAEyeColor Specifies the cardholder's eye color.
Enumeration AAMVAHairColor Specifies the cardholder's hair color.
Enumeration AAMVAJurisdiction Specifies the jurisdiction of the issuing authority.
Enumeration AAMVALengthType Specifies the length restriction type for the Value property.
Enumeration AAMVANameSuffix Name suffixes as defined in AAMVA D20.
Enumeration AAMVARaceEthnicity A race/ethnicity as defined in AAMVA D20 standard.
Enumeration AAMVARegion Specifies the macro region of the issuing authority.
Enumeration AAMVASex Specifies the cardholder's sex.
Enumeration AAMVASubfileType Specifies the subfile type.
Enumeration AAMVAValidCharacters Specifies the valid characters for the Value property.
Enumeration AAMVAVersion Specifies the AAMVA CDS version of the input data, used to create the current AAMVAID.
Enumeration AustralianPost4StateBarcodeCIFEncoding Australian Post 4-State barcode Customer Information Field (CIF) encoding/decoding table.
Enumeration AztecBarcodeSymbolModel Specifies the Aztec Code symbol size.
Enumeration BarcodeAlignment Horizontal or vertical alignment to use when writing barcodes.
Enumeration BarcodeExceptionCode Identifies the barcode exception error code.
Enumeration BarcodeImageType Determines the type of barcode image when reading barcodes.
Enumeration BarcodeOutputTextPosition The text position to use when the data string is written along with the barcode.
Enumeration BarcodeReaderErrorMode Indicates how to handle errors when reading barcodes.
Enumeration BarcodeReadSymbologyOperation Current barcode read operation.
Enumeration BarcodeReadSymbologyStatus Determines the barcode read operation status.
Enumeration BarcodeReturnCheckDigit Return check digit mode to use when reading barcodes.
Enumeration BarcodeSearchDirection Search direction to use when reading barcodes.
Enumeration BarcodeSymbology The barcode symbologies supported by LEADTOOLS.
Enumeration Code11BarcodeCheckDigitType Check digit type to use when reading or writing Code 11 (USD-8) barcodes.
Enumeration Code128BarcodeTableEncoding Encoding table to use when writing Code 128 barcodes.
Enumeration DatamatrixBarcodeSymbolSize Specifies the Datamatrix symbol size.
Enumeration MaxiBarcodeSymbolModel Specifies the encoding mode for Maxi Code symbol.
Enumeration MicroPDF417BarcodeReadMode MicroPDF417 read mode enumerations.
Enumeration MicroPDF417BarcodeSymbolSize Symbol size to use when writing MicroPDF417 barcodes.
Enumeration MicroQRBarcodeSymbolModel Specifies the Micro QR symbol size.
Enumeration MSIBarcodeModuloType Check digit type to use when reading or writing MSI (Pulse Width Modulated) barcodes.
Enumeration PDF417BarcodeECCLevel Specifies the PDF417 symbol ECC level.
Enumeration PDF417BarcodeReadMode PDF417 read modes.
Enumeration QRBarcodeECCLevel Specifies the QR symbol ECC level.
Enumeration QRBarcodeSymbolModel Specifies the QR symbol size.

See Also

Leadtools.Barcode Assembly

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