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public struct IccProfileSequenceDescription
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.ColorConversion;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
public string outputIccProfile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ColorConversion", "GetIccProfileTag", "IccProfileSequenceDescriptionTagType.icc");
public void IccProfileSequenceDescriptionTagTypeExample()
// Load an ICC profile
string fileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "ColorConversion", "InputProfile.icc");
IccProfileExtended iccProfile = new IccProfileExtended(fileName);
// Define the device attributes must be 8 bytes
byte[] deviceAttribs = new byte[8] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// Define the device manufacturer and model descriptions
IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType devManufacturerDesc = FillIccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType();
IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType devModelDesc = FillIccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType();
// If a tag type is used inside another tag type, it should be converted into BigIndian notation first
// This can be done by calling the IccProfile.CreateICCTagData() method
devManufacturerDesc = (IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType)IccTools.CreateTagType(devManufacturerDesc, IccTagTypeBase.MultiLocalizedUnicodeTypeSignature);
devModelDesc = (IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType)IccTools.CreateTagType(devModelDesc, IccTagTypeBase.MultiLocalizedUnicodeTypeSignature);
// Define the 1 profile descriptions
IccProfileDescription[] profileDescription = new IccProfileDescription[1];
profileDescription[0] = new IccProfileDescription(
// Create the IccProfileSequenceDescription class
IccProfileSequenceDescription profileSeqDesc = new IccProfileSequenceDescription(profileDescription);
// Define the tag type
IccProfileSequenceDescriptionTagType profileSeqDescTagType = new IccProfileSequenceDescriptionTagType(profileSeqDesc);
// Add the new tag to the ICC profile
iccProfile.AddTag(profileSeqDescTagType, IccTag.ProfileSequenceDescTag, IccTagTypeBase.ProfileSequenceDescTypeSignature);
// Generate the new profile ID
// Update the ICC array with the new changes
// Write the ICC profile into a new file
public IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType FillIccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType()
ushort nameLanguageCode = 'e';
nameLanguageCode <<= 8;
nameLanguageCode |= 'n';
ushort nameCountryCode = 'c';
nameCountryCode <<= 8;
nameCountryCode |= 'a';
string[] names = new string[2];
names[0] = "first name record";
names[1] = "second name record";
IccNameRecord[] nameRecord = new IccNameRecord[2];
nameRecord[0] = new IccNameRecord(nameLanguageCode, nameCountryCode, names[0].Length * 2, 16 + (2 * 12));
nameRecord[1] = new IccNameRecord(nameLanguageCode, nameCountryCode, names[1].Length * 2, ((16 + (2 * 12)) + (names[0].Length * 2)));
char[] firstName = new char[names[0].Length];
firstName = names[0].ToCharArray();
char[] secondName = new char[names[1].Length];
secondName = names[1].ToCharArray();
ushort[] unicodeChars = new ushort[names[0].Length + names[1].Length];
int nCntr = 0;
int nX = 0;
while (nX < names[0].Length)
unicodeChars[nCntr] = firstName[nX];
nX = 0;
while (nX < names[1].Length)
unicodeChars[nCntr] = secondName[nX];
IccMultiLocalizedUnicode iccMultiLocalized = new IccMultiLocalizedUnicode(12, nameRecord, unicodeChars);
IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType iccMultiLocalizedTagType = new IccMultiLocalizedUnicodeTagType(iccMultiLocalized);
return iccMultiLocalizedTagType;
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images";