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DicomOpenSslContextCreationSettings Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DicomOpenSslContextCreationSettings.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor DicomOpenSslContextCreationSettings Initializes a new instance of the DicomOpenSslContextCreationSettings class.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all resources used by this DicomOpenSslContextSettings.
Protected Method Finalize This method overrides System.Object.Finalize

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property CertificationAuthoritiesFileName Gets or sets the name of a file containing Certification Authorities (CA) certificates in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format.
Public Property MaximumVerificationDepth Gets or sets the maximum depth of the certificate chain to be verified.
Public Property MethodType Gets or sets the SSL method type to be used for security verification.
Public Property Options Gets or sets the restrictive and bug workaround options.
Public Property VerificationFlags Gets or sets the verification mode to be used.

See Also

DicomOpenSslContextCreationSettings Class

Leadtools.Dicom Namespace

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