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RoleSelectionFlags Enumeration


Flags that define how the SCP will accept/reject any role selection proposed by the SCU.

public enum RoleSelectionFlags 
   enum class RoleSelectionFlags sealed 
0x00000001DisabledRole selection is not included in the DICOM Association.
0x00000002EnabledRole selection is included in the DICOM Association.
0x00000004AcceptUserRoleProposedSCP accepts any user role proposed by the SCU.
0x00000008AcceptProviderRoleProposedSCP accepts any provider role proposed by the SCU.
0x0000000CAcceptAllProposedSCP accepts any role (user or provider) proposed by the SCU. Note that this is the logical or of AcceptUserRolePropose | AcceptProviderRoleProposed

Remarks Role selection occurs during DICOM Association negotiation between an SCU and an SCP.

The client (SCU) optionally proposes one of four role selections for each Abstract Syntax:

  • Role selection not included in association
  • SCU only
  • SCP only
  • SCU and SCP

The SCP (DICOM server) accepts or rejects the proposal. The RoleSelectionFlags enumeration defines how the SCP will accept/reject the role selection proposed by the SCU.

If the RoleSelectionFlags.Disabled flag is set, then the SCP ignores any role selection provided by the SCU.

If the RoleSelectionFlags.Enabled flag is set, then the SCP will act on the role selection provided by the SCU, based on which of the following flags are set:

  • AcceptUserRoleProposed
  • AcceptProviderRoleProposed
  • AcceptAllProposed: this is equivalent to (AcceptUserRoleProposed | AcceptProviderRoleProposed)

For more information, see IRoleSelectionProvider.

using Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Attributes; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn.Interfaces; 
using Leadtools.Dicom; 
using Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn; 
public class RoleSelectionProviderAddin : IRoleSelectionProvider 
   private List<string> _acceptUserProviderProposedList = new List<string>(); 
   public RoleSelectionProviderAddin() 
      // Storage Commitment classes 
      // Procedure Step SOP Classes 
      // Media Creation Management Service Class 
      // C-MOVE 
      // C-GET 
   public DicomClient Client 
      private get; 
   public ExtendedNegotiation GetExtended(string abstractSyntax) 
      return ExtendedNegotiation.None; 
   public RoleSelectionFlags GetRoleSelection(string abstractSyntax) 
      RoleSelectionFlags roleSelectionFlags = RoleSelectionFlags.Disabled; 
      if (_acceptUserProviderProposedList.Contains(abstractSyntax)) 
         roleSelectionFlags = RoleSelectionFlags.AcceptAllProposed; 
      return roleSelectionFlags; 
   public bool IsAbstractSyntaxSupported(string abstractSyntax) 
      bool supported = _acceptUserProviderProposedList.Contains(abstractSyntax) || (abstractSyntax == DicomUidType.VerificationClass); 
      return supported;  
   public bool IsTransferSyntaxSupported(string abstractSyntax, string transferSyntax) 
      bool supported = ( 
            transferSyntax == DicomUidType.ExplicitVRLittleEndian || 
            transferSyntax == DicomUidType.ExplicitVRBigEndian || 
            transferSyntax == DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian 
      return supported; 

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Leadtools.Dicom.AddIn Assembly
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