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DocumentPage Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DocumentPage.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method ApplyAnnotationsViewPerspective Applies the current transformation on the specified container.
Public Method ApplyImageViewPerspective Applies the current transformation on the specified raster image.
Public Method ApplySvgViewPerspective Applies the current transformation on the specified SVG image.
Public Method ApplyTextViewPerspective Applies the current transformation on the specified page text.
Public Method Flip Flips this page vertically.
Public Method GetAnnotations Gets the annotation container of this page.
Public Method GetFormFields Parses the PDF document form fields and returns DocumentFormFieldsContainer.
Public Method GetImage Gets this page as a raster image at the specified resolution.
Public Method GetLinks Links of this page.
Public Method GetRotateFlip Extracts the rotation and flip value of the current view perspective of this page.
Public Method GetSvg Gets this page as an SVG document with the specified options.
Public Method GetSvgBackImage Gets a raster image that contains only the image elements of the SVG document for this page.
Public Method GetText Gets the text content of an area in this page.
Public Method GetThumbnailImage Gets a thumbnail representation of this page.
Public Method GetViewPerspectiveTransform Helper method to calculate the matrix to use when applying a view perspective.
Public Method PointToDocument Converts a point from pixels to document units.
Public Method PointToPixels Converts a point from document units to pixels.
Public Method ReadBarcodes Reads the barcodes found on this page.
Public Method RectToDocument Converts a rectangle from pixels to document units.
Public Method RectToPixels Converts a rectangle from document units to pixels.
Public Method Reverse Flips this page horizontally.
Public Method Rotate Rotates this page by the specified angle.
Public Method SetAnnotations Replaces the annotation container for this page.
Public Method SetFormFields Sets the updated form fields values.
Public Method SetImage Replaces the raster image for this page.
Public Method SetLinks Replaces the links of this page.
Public Method SetSvg Replaces the SVG document for this page.
Public Method SetSvgBackImage Replaces the SVG background image for this page.
Public Method SetText Replaces the text content for this page.
Public Method SizeToDocument Converts a size from pixels to document units.
Public Method SizeToPixels Converts a size from document units to pixels.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property CustomData User-defined custom data associated with this page.
Public Property DataType Data type of this DocumentPage.
Public Property Document Owner document of this DocumentPage
Public Property HasEmbeddedAnnotations Indicates whether the original document has embedded annotations for this page.
Public Property ImageScale Scale value used when retuning image objects of this page.
Public Property IsAnnotationsModified Indicates whether the annotations for this page has been replaced.
Public Property IsDeleted Quickly mark this page as deleted in the document.
Public Property IsFormFieldsModified Indicates whether any of the document form fields values are updated.
Public Property IsImageModified Indicates whether the raster image for this page has been replaced.
Public Property IsLinksModified Indicates whether the links for this page have been replaced.
Public Property IsLocal Indicate that this page has been created by the user in this document.
Public Property IsSvgBackImageModified Indicates whether the SVG background image for this page has been replaced.
Public Property IsSvgConversionPreferred Indicates whether SVG conversion is preferred for this page.
Public Property IsSvgModified Indicates whether the SVG document for this page has been replaced.
Public Property IsSvgSupported Gets a value that indicates whether this page supports SVG.
Public Property IsSvgViewingPreferred Gets a value that indicates whether SVG viewing is preferred with this page.
Public Property IsTextModified Gets a value that indicates whether the text content for this page has been replaced.
Public Property IsViewPerspectiveFlipped Determines if the page has a flipped view perspective.
Public Property IsViewPerspectiveModified Determines if this page has any transformation applied.
Public Property IsViewPerspectiveRotated Determines if the page has a rotated view perspective.
Public Property OriginalPageNumber The number of this page in the original document.
Public Property PageNumber The current number of this page in the document.
Public Property Resolution Resolution of this page.
Public Property Size Size of this page.
Public Property UserData The user-defined data associated with this page.
Public Property ViewPerspective Current view perspective (transformation) value of this page.
Public Property ViewPerspectiveSize Size of this page after applying its transformation.

See Also

DocumentPage Class

Leadtools.Document Namespace

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