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DocumentViewerThumbnails Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DocumentViewerThumbnails.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Invalidate Re-renders the specified area in the thumbnails image viewer.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all resources used by this class.
Protected Method Finalize This method overrides System.Object.Finalize

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property DocumentViewer Owner document viewer.
Public Property GridPixelSize Size of the thumbnail grid in pixels.
Public Property ImageViewer Image viewer control.
Public Property IsLoading Indicates whether the control is still loading thumbnails.
Public Property ItemTextTemplate Template to use for showing the page number legend on each thumbnail item.
Public Property LazyLoad Indicates when images will be loaded.
Public Property MaximumSize The default size all thumbnail items are fit to.
Public Property UseGrids Indicates whether to use the thumbnails grid.
Public Property WorkerCount Indicates the number of thumbnails workers.

See Also

DocumentViewerThumbnails Class

Leadtools.Document.Viewer Namespace

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