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PageRecognitionOptions Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by PageRecognitionOptions.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor PageRecognitionOptions Initializes a new PageRecognitionOptions class object.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AutoCleanUp Gets or sets which clean up operation (to get rid of noise) to perform on the page image before extracting its features.
Public Property ExcludeRectangles List of LeadRect objects which specify the portion of the page image that is not a part of the page features.
Public Property IncludeRectangles List of LeadRect objects which specify which portion of the page image is included as a part of the page features.
Public Property PageType Specifies the type of Page.
Public Property RegionOfInterestRectangles List of LeadRect objects which specify which portion of the page image represents the important features of the page.
Public Property SvgDocument The optional SVG document representation of this page.
Public Property TradeoffMode Specifies which recognition algorithm trade-off setting to use for forms recognition.
Public Property UpdateImage Gets or sets the update the user image with the cleaned one.

See Also

PageRecognitionOptions Class

Leadtools.Forms.Recognition Namespace

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Leadtools.Forms.Recognition Assembly
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