Restores all of the AnnRedactionObject objects in this AnnAutomation.
AnnAutomation.prototype.restoreAllRedactions = function()
restoreAllRedactions(): void;
Use the CanRestoreAllRedactions property to determine whether you can currently call this method.
This method will call the Realize method of the AnnRedactionObject class for all AnnRedactionObject objects that have the AnnRedactionObject.CanRestore value set to true.
import { AutomationHelper } from "../utilities/AutomationHelper";
export class AnnAutomation_RealizeAllRedactionsExample {
private automation: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomation = null;
constructor() {
const helper = new AutomationHelper();;
document.getElementById('exampleButton').onclick = () =>;
private updateAutomation = (automation) => this.automation = automation;
private run = (automation: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomation) => {
// see if we can realize or restore all the redaction objects (this should show a message informing you there are no redaction objects in this automation)
// first add a couple of new redaction object to the automation
let redaction: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRedactionObject = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRedactionObject();
redaction.rect = lt.LeadRectD.create(100, 100, 800, 800);
redaction.fill = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create('black');
redaction = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRedactionObject();
redaction.rect = lt.LeadRectD.create(1000, 1000, 800, 800);
redaction.fill = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create('black');
// // see if we can realize/restore the objects (should realize the redactions)
// // see if we can realize/restore the objects (should restore the redactions)
private realizeRestoreAllRedactions = (automation: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomation): void => {
if (automation.canRealizeAllRedactions) {
// realize
alert("Redaction objects have been realized");
else if (automation.canRestoreAllRedactions) {
// restore
alert("Redaction objects have been restored");
alert("Cannot realize or restore because no redaction object is currently in this automation");
export class AutomationHelper {
private automation: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomation = null;
constructor() {
lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null);
public run(callback?: (automation: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomation) => void): void {
// Create the viewer
const imageViewerDiv = document.getElementById("imageViewerDiv");
const createOptions: lt.Controls.ImageViewerCreateOptions = new lt.Controls.ImageViewerCreateOptions(imageViewerDiv);
const viewer: lt.Controls.ImageViewer = new lt.Controls.ImageViewer(createOptions);
viewer.autoCreateCanvas = true;
// PanZoom interactive mode
const panZoom: lt.Controls.ImageViewerPanZoomInteractiveMode = new lt.Controls.ImageViewerPanZoomInteractiveMode();
// Create an instance of the Automation control object that works with LEADTOOLS ImageViewer
const imageViewerAutomationControl: lt.Demos.Annotations.ImageViewerAutomationControl = new lt.Demos.Annotations.ImageViewerAutomationControl();
// Attach our image viewer
imageViewerAutomationControl.imageViewer = viewer;
// Set the image viewer interactive mode
const automationInteractiveMode: lt.Demos.Annotations.AutomationInteractiveMode = new lt.Demos.Annotations.AutomationInteractiveMode();
automationInteractiveMode.automationControl = imageViewerAutomationControl;
// Set the image URL
viewer.imageUrl = "";
// Create and set up the automation manager using the HTML5 rendering engine
const renderingEngine: lt.Annotations.Rendering.AnnHtml5RenderingEngine = new lt.Annotations.Rendering.AnnHtml5RenderingEngine();
const manager: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationManager = lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationManager.create(renderingEngine);
// Create only the line and rectangle automation objects
// You can instruct the manager to create the default (all) automation objects.
// comment out the call to CreateMyAutomationObjects and call this instead:
// Add the objects to the objects select element
const currentObjectIdSelect = document.getElementById("currentObjectIdSelect") as HTMLSelectElement;
// Add the PanZoom option
currentObjectIdSelect.options[currentObjectIdSelect.options.length] = new Option("Pan/Zoom", lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.none.toString());
const automationObjCount: number = manager.objects.count;
for (let i = 0; i < automationObjCount; i++) {
// Get the object
const automationObj: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject = manager.objects.item(i);
// Add its name to the select element
const name: string =;
const id: number =;
currentObjectIdSelect.options[currentObjectIdSelect.options.length] = new Option(name, id.toString());
// Hook to its change event
currentObjectIdSelect.addEventListener("change", () => {
// Get the object ID
const id: number = parseInt(currentObjectIdSelect.options[currentObjectIdSelect.selectedIndex].value);
// Set it as the current object in the manager
manager.currentObjectId = id;
// If this is the "Pan/Zoom" option, then back to pan zoom, otherwise, set our automation control
if (id == lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.none) {
viewer.defaultInteractiveMode = panZoom;
else {
viewer.defaultInteractiveMode = automationInteractiveMode;
// When the current object ID changes, we need to update our select
manager.add_currentObjectIdChanged((sender, e) => {
const currentObjectId: number = manager.currentObjectId;
for (let i = 0; i < currentObjectIdSelect.options.length; i++) {
const id: number = parseInt(currentObjectIdSelect.options[i].value);
if (id === currentObjectId) {
currentObjectIdSelect.selectedIndex = i;
// Pan zoom by default
viewer.defaultInteractiveMode = panZoom;
// Set up the automation (will create the container as well)
const automation: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomation = new lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomation(manager, imageViewerAutomationControl);
this.automation = automation;
// Add handler to update the container size when the image size changes
viewer.itemChanged.add((sender, e) => {
const container: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnContainer = automation.container;
container.size = container.mapper.sizeToContainerCoordinates(viewer.imageSize);
// Create new canvas data provider for the new image
const canvasDataProvider: lt.Demos.Annotations.CanvasDataProvider = new lt.Demos.Annotations.CanvasDataProvider(viewer.activeItem.canvas);
imageViewerAutomationControl.automationDataProvider = canvasDataProvider;
// Set up this automation as the active one = true;
private createMyAutomationObjects(manager): void {
// Get the automation objects collection
const automationObjects = manager.objects;
// Set up the select automation object
const selectAutomationObj: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject = new lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject(); = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.selectObjectId; = "Select";
selectAutomationObj.drawDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRectangleDrawDesigner;
selectAutomationObj.editDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnSelectionEditDesigner;
selectAutomationObj.runDesignerType = null;
// Create the object template for it
const selectObj: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSelectionObject = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSelectionObject();
selectObj.stroke = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnStroke.create(lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create("darkgreen"), lt.LeadLengthD.create(2));
selectAutomationObj.objectTemplate = selectObj;
// Add it to the automation objects of the manager
// Set up the line automation object
const lineAutomationObj: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject = new lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject(); = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.lineObjectId; = "Line";
lineAutomationObj.drawDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnLineDrawDesigner;
lineAutomationObj.editDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnPolylineEditDesigner;
lineAutomationObj.runDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRunDesigner;
// Create the object template for it, use the default stroke
const lineObj: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnPolylineObject = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnPolylineObject();
lineAutomationObj.objectTemplate = lineObj;
// Add it to the automation objects of the manager
// Set up the rectangle automation object
const rectAutomationObj: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject = new lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject(); = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.rectangleObjectId; = "Rectangle";
rectAutomationObj.drawDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRectangleDrawDesigner;
rectAutomationObj.editDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRectangleEditDesigner;
rectAutomationObj.runDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRunDesigner;
// Create the object template for it, use the default stroke and fill
const rectObj: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRectangleObject = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRectangleObject();
// Add it to the automation objects of the manager
const textAutomationObj: lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject = new lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject(); = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.textObjectId; = "Text";
textAutomationObj.drawDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRectangleDrawDesigner;
textAutomationObj.editDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnTextEditDesigner;
textAutomationObj.runDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRunDesigner;
// Create the object template for it, use the default stroke, fill, text and font
const textObj: lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnTextObject = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnTextObject();
textAutomationObj.objectTemplate = textObj;
// Add it to the automation objects of the manager
import { AutomationHelper } from "../utilities/AutomationHelper";
export class AnnAutomation_RealizeAllRedactionsExample {
automation = null;
constructor() {
const helper = new AutomationHelper();;
document.getElementById('exampleButton').onclick = () =>;
updateAutomation = (automation) => this.automation = automation;
run = (automation) => {
// see if we can realize or restore all the redaction objects (this should show a message informing you there are no redaction objects in this automation)
// first add a couple of new redaction object to the automation
let redaction = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRedactionObject();
redaction.rect = lt.LeadRectD.create(100, 100, 800, 800);
redaction.fill = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create('black');
redaction = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRedactionObject();
redaction.rect = lt.LeadRectD.create(1000, 1000, 800, 800);
redaction.fill = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create('black');
// // see if we can realize/restore the objects (should realize the redactions)
// // see if we can realize/restore the objects (should restore the redactions)
realizeRestoreAllRedactions = (automation) => {
if (automation.canRealizeAllRedactions) {
// realize
alert("Redaction objects have been realized");
else if (automation.canRestoreAllRedactions) {
// restore
alert("Redaction objects have been restored");
alert("Cannot realize or restore because no redaction object is currently in this automation");
export class AutomationHelper {
automation = null;
constructor() {
lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null);
run(callback) {
// Create the viewer
const imageViewerDiv = document.getElementById("imageViewerDiv");
const createOptions = new lt.Controls.ImageViewerCreateOptions(imageViewerDiv);
const viewer = new lt.Controls.ImageViewer(createOptions);
viewer.autoCreateCanvas = true;
// PanZoom interactive mode
const panZoom = new lt.Controls.ImageViewerPanZoomInteractiveMode();
// Create an instance of the Automation control object that works with LEADTOOLS ImageViewer
const imageViewerAutomationControl = new lt.Demos.Annotations.ImageViewerAutomationControl();
// Attach our image viewer
imageViewerAutomationControl.imageViewer = viewer;
// Set the image viewer interactive mode
const automationInteractiveMode = new lt.Demos.Annotations.AutomationInteractiveMode();
automationInteractiveMode.automationControl = imageViewerAutomationControl;
// Set the image URL
viewer.imageUrl = "";
// Create and set up the automation manager using the HTML5 rendering engine
const renderingEngine = new lt.Annotations.Rendering.AnnHtml5RenderingEngine();
const manager = lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationManager.create(renderingEngine);
// Create only the line and rectangle automation objects
// You can instruct the manager to create the default (all) automation objects.
// comment out the call to CreateMyAutomationObjects and call this instead:
// Add the objects to the objects select element
const currentObjectIdSelect = document.getElementById("currentObjectIdSelect");
// Add the PanZoom option
currentObjectIdSelect.options[currentObjectIdSelect.options.length] = new Option("Pan/Zoom", lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.none.toString());
const automationObjCount = manager.objects.count;
for (let i = 0; i < automationObjCount; i++) {
// Get the object
const automationObj = manager.objects.item(i);
// Add its name to the select element
const name =;
const id =;
currentObjectIdSelect.options[currentObjectIdSelect.options.length] = new Option(name, id.toString());
// Hook to its change event
currentObjectIdSelect.addEventListener("change", () => {
// Get the object ID
const id = parseInt(currentObjectIdSelect.options[currentObjectIdSelect.selectedIndex].value);
// Set it as the current object in the manager
manager.currentObjectId = id;
// If this is the "Pan/Zoom" option, then back to pan zoom, otherwise, set our automation control
if (id == lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.none) {
viewer.defaultInteractiveMode = panZoom;
else {
viewer.defaultInteractiveMode = automationInteractiveMode;
// When the current object ID changes, we need to update our select
manager.add_currentObjectIdChanged((sender, e) => {
const currentObjectId = manager.currentObjectId;
for (let i = 0; i < currentObjectIdSelect.options.length; i++) {
const id = parseInt(currentObjectIdSelect.options[i].value);
if (id === currentObjectId) {
currentObjectIdSelect.selectedIndex = i;
// Pan zoom by default
viewer.defaultInteractiveMode = panZoom;
// Set up the automation (will create the container as well)
const automation = new lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomation(manager, imageViewerAutomationControl);
this.automation = automation;
// Add handler to update the container size when the image size changes
viewer.itemChanged.add((sender, e) => {
const container = automation.container;
container.size = container.mapper.sizeToContainerCoordinates(viewer.imageSize);
// Create new canvas data provider for the new image
const canvasDataProvider = new lt.Demos.Annotations.CanvasDataProvider(viewer.activeItem.canvas);
imageViewerAutomationControl.automationDataProvider = canvasDataProvider;
// Set up this automation as the active one = true;
createMyAutomationObjects(manager) {
// Get the automation objects collection
const automationObjects = manager.objects;
// Set up the select automation object
const selectAutomationObj = new lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject(); = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.selectObjectId; = "Select";
selectAutomationObj.drawDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRectangleDrawDesigner;
selectAutomationObj.editDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnSelectionEditDesigner;
selectAutomationObj.runDesignerType = null;
// Create the object template for it
const selectObj = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSelectionObject();
selectObj.stroke = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnStroke.create(lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnSolidColorBrush.create("darkgreen"), lt.LeadLengthD.create(2));
selectAutomationObj.objectTemplate = selectObj;
// Add it to the automation objects of the manager
// Set up the line automation object
const lineAutomationObj = new lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject(); = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.lineObjectId; = "Line";
lineAutomationObj.drawDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnLineDrawDesigner;
lineAutomationObj.editDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnPolylineEditDesigner;
lineAutomationObj.runDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRunDesigner;
// Create the object template for it, use the default stroke
const lineObj = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnPolylineObject();
lineAutomationObj.objectTemplate = lineObj;
// Add it to the automation objects of the manager
// Set up the rectangle automation object
const rectAutomationObj = new lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject(); = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.rectangleObjectId; = "Rectangle";
rectAutomationObj.drawDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRectangleDrawDesigner;
rectAutomationObj.editDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRectangleEditDesigner;
rectAutomationObj.runDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRunDesigner;
// Create the object template for it, use the default stroke and fill
const rectObj = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnRectangleObject();
// Add it to the automation objects of the manager
const textAutomationObj = new lt.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationObject(); = lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnObject.textObjectId; = "Text";
textAutomationObj.drawDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRectangleDrawDesigner;
textAutomationObj.editDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnTextEditDesigner;
textAutomationObj.runDesignerType = lt.Annotations.Designers.AnnRunDesigner;
// Create the object template for it, use the default stroke, fill, text and font
const textObj = new lt.Annotations.Engine.AnnTextObject();
textAutomationObj.objectTemplate = textObj;
// Add it to the automation objects of the manager
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Automation Example | EditText</title>
<script src=""
integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Controls.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Designers.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering.Javascript.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Demos.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Demos.Annotations.Js"></script>
#imageViewerDiv {
border: 1px solid #000000;
width: 800px;
height: 800px;
background-color: #7F7F7F;
<!-- All demo files are bundled and appended to the window -->
<script src="../../bundle.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<p>Either Pan/Zoom or Annotations mode. In annotations mode, draw new objects or edit them.</p>
<select id="currentObjectIdSelect"></select>
<input type="button" id="exampleButton" value="Example" />
<label id="exampleLabel" />
<div id="imageViewerDiv" />
window.onload = () => {
const example = new window.examples.AnnAutomation.RealizeAllRedactions();
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