Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client Introduction


The Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client assembly is a component of the LEADTOOLS Medical Workstation Viewer that uses data access objects to Query the local database, retrieve DICOM instances from the local database, and store DICOM instances to the local database. This component uses high-level PACS framework to Query/Retrieve from remote servers, and to store images to remote servers.

Key Features

PACS Framework Features

PACS is a framework for creating DICOM-based servers, and consists of a Windows Service (Leadtools.Dicom.Service.exe) that implements a user-defined DICOM service. The Windows Service provides the following features:

This framework allows scalable full-featured PACS (i.e. Windows Service, Association and secure communications, debug and audit log), and organization of DICOM services into different processes (i.e., LAN vs. WAN, secure vs. unsecure, HIS/RIS vs. PACS Archive). The PACS Framework exposes specific interfaces that allow add-ins to implement additional functionality for the server. Add-ins allow one to:

The LEADTOOLS Medical Workstation Viewer is an end-user-like application with functionality comparable to many DICOM viewers used in the health care industry. It is useable without modification by medical professionals, device manufacturers (as a Modality Workstation viewer), in research facilities, or anyone that has a need for viewing DICOM images. The source code is provided for easy customization and branding. The workstation is built on LEADTOOLS PACS Framework components, and supports:

Supported Environments

See Also


Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Assembly


Getting Started (Guide to Example Programs)

Version History

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client Assembly Changes

Help Version 23.0.2024.2.29
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Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Client Assembly
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