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Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Interfaces Interfaces


Overview and description of Leadtools Medical Workstation Interfaces interfaces.


Interface Description
Interface IWorkstationArgumentsService Allows passing arguments from one component to the other.
Interface IWorkstationEventBroker Allows different components to communicate by firing and subscribing to events.
Interface IWorkstationFeaturesCommandFactory Provides a service for registering and creating Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.Commands.ICommand objects with a feature.
Interface IWorkstationInitializer Provides an interface that allows components to be initialized with the Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.WorkstationContainer.
Interface IWorkstationStripItemFeatureExecuter Provides an interface which allows registering System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem with features to be executed when the item is clicked.
Interface IWorkstationPresenter<V> A base class that is used to activate and run a UI View.
Interface IAnnotationSaveDescriptionView Provides an interface for views that implement asking the user to save annotations and provide a description.
Interface ICalibrateRulerView Provides an interface for views that ask the user to calibrate the ruler on a Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell.
Interface IChangeIsoThresholdView Povides an interface for changing a volume Threshold.
Interface IDicomInfoView Provides an interface for views that display a Leadtools.Dicom.DicomDataSet information.
Interface IHardwareCheckView Provides an interface for views that display the hardware capabilities for creating 3D volumes.
Interface IPanView Provides an interface for views that displays a pan window for the image in a Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerCell
Interface IPrinterSelectView Provides an interface for views that display a list of printers for the user to select from.
Interface IPrintMarginsFixView Provides an interface for views that asks the user to fix the printing margins.
Interface IQueueManagerView Provides an interface for views that runs a Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.UI.Commands.QueueItemCommand objects as a queue.
Interface ISeriesBrowserView Provides an interface for views that can be used to display a summary of studies and series information with a drag and drop support.
Interface IWindowLevelInformationView Provides an interface for views that displays the window level information.
Interface IWindowLevelView Provides an interface for views that update the window level information.
Interface IWorkstationCinePlayerView Provides an interface for views that control the Leadtools.MedicalViewer.MedicalViewerMultiCell animation.
Interface IWorkstationModalitySettingsView Provides an interface for views that allow the user to change the modality settings.
Interface IWorkstationView Provides a base interface for any view (System.Windows.Forms.Control or System.Windows.Forms.Form) that needs to be integrated into the Medical Workstation Framework.
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Leadtools.Medical.Workstation Assembly
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