ContrastAllergiesDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Contrast Allergies' data. |
ContrastAllergiesRow |
Represents a row of Contrast Allergies data in a ContrastAllergiesRow. |
ContrastAllergiesRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the ContrastAllergiesRowChanged, ContrastAllergiesRowChanging, ContrastAllergiesRowDeleting, and ContrastAllergiesRowDeleted events. |
ImagingServiceRequestDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Imaging Service Request' data. |
ImagingServiceRequestRow |
Represents a row of Imaging Service Request data in an ImagingServiceRequestRow. |
ImagingServiceRequestRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the ImagingServiceRequestRowChanged, ImagingServiceRequestRowChanging, ImagingServiceRequestRowDeleting, and ImagingServiceRequestRowDeleted events. |
MedicalAlertsDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Medical Alerts' data. |
MedicalAlertsRow |
Represents a row of Medical Alerts data in a MedicalAlertsRow. |
MedicalAlertsRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the MedicalAlertsRowChanged, MedicalAlertsRowChanging, MedicalAlertsRowDeleting, and MedicalAlertsRowDeleted events. |
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Names Of Intended Recipients Of Results' data. |
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow |
Represents a row of Names Of Intended Recipients Of Results data in a NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRow. |
NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChanged, NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowChanging, NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowDeleting, and NamesOfIntendedRecipientsOfResultsRowDeleted events. |
OtherPatientIDsDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Other Patient IDs' data. |
OtherPatientIDsRow |
Represents a row of Other Patient IDs data in an OtherPatientIDsRow. |
OtherPatientIDsRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the OtherPatientIDsRowChanged, OtherPatientIDsRowChanging, OtherPatientIDsRowDeleting, and OtherPatientIDsRowDeleted events. |
PatientDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Patient' data. |
PatientRow |
Represents a row of Patient data in a PatientRow. |
PatientRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the PatientRowChanged, PatientRowChanging, PatientRowDeleting, and PatientRowDeleted events. |
ReferencedPatientSequenceDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Referenced Patient Sequence' data. |
ReferencedPatientSequenceRow |
Represents a row of Referenced Patient Sequence data in a ReferencedPatientSequenceRow. |
ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChanged, ReferencedPatientSequenceRowChanging, ReferencedPatientSequenceRowDeleting, and ReferencedPatientSequenceRowDeleted events. |
ReferencedStudySequenceDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Referenced Study Sequence' data. |
ReferencedStudySequenceRow |
Represents a row of Referenced Study Sequence data in a ReferencedStudySequenceRow. |
ReferencedStudySequenceRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the ReferencedStudySequenceRowChanged, ReferencedStudySequenceRowChanging, ReferencedStudySequenceRowDeleting, and ReferencedStudySequenceRowDeleted events. |
RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Requested Procedure Code Sequence' data. |
RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow |
Represents a row of Requested Procedure Code Sequence data in a RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRow. |
RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChanged, RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowChanging, RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowDeleting, and RequestedProcedureCodeSequenceRowDeleted events. |
RequestedProcedureDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Requested Procedure' data. |
RequestedProcedureRow |
Represents a row of Requested Procedure data in a RequestedProcedureRow. |
RequestedProcedureRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the RequestedProcedureRowChanged, RequestedProcedureRowChanging, RequestedProcedureRowDeleting, and RequestedProcedureRowDeleted events. |
ScheduledProcedureStepDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Scheduled Procedure Step' data. |
ScheduledProcedureStepRow |
Represents a row of Scheduled Procedure Step data in a ScheduledProcedureStepRow. |
ScheduledProcedureStepRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the ScheduledProcedureStepRowChanged, ScheduledProcedureStepRowChanging, ScheduledProcedureStepRowDeleting, and ScheduledProcedureStepRowDeleted events. |
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence' data. |
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow |
Represents a row of Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence data in a ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRow. |
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChanged, ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowChanging, ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowDeleting, and ScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceRowDeleted events. |
ScheduledStationAETitlesDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Scheduled Station AE Titles' data. |
ScheduledStationAETitlesRow |
Represents a row of Scheduled Station AE Titles data in a ScheduledStationAETitlesRow. |
ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChanged, ScheduledStationAETitlesRowChanging, ScheduledStationAETitlesRowDeleting, and ScheduledStationAETitlesRowDeleted events. |
ScheduledStationNamesDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Scheduled Station Names' data. |
ScheduledStationNamesRow |
Represents a row of Scheduled Station Names data in a ScheduledStationNamesRow. |
ScheduledStationNamesRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the ScheduledStationNamesRowChanged, ScheduledStationNamesRowChanging, ScheduledStationNamesRowDeleting, and ScheduledStationNamesRowDeleted events. |
VisitDataTable |
Represents one table of in-memory 'Visit' data. |
VisitRow |
Represents a row of Visit data in a VisitRow. |
VisitRowChangeEvent |
Provides data for the VisitRowChanged, VisitRowChanging, VisitRowDeleting, and VisitRowDeleted events. |