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TwainScanningService Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see TwainScanningService members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AbortAcquire Aborts acquiring images.
Public Method Acquire Acquires images from the selected source.
Public Method AddPage Adds a page to the TwainScanningService's cache without scanning from the scanner.
Public Method CommandCallBack Callback to run custom user commands.
Public Method DeletePage Deletes the specified page.
Public Method GetCapability Gets the TwainCapability value.
Public Method GetImage Gets the specified image.
Public Method GetPage Gets a specific image page.
Public Method GetSession Gets the selected TwainSession handle.
Public Method GetStatus Gets the status of the service.
Public Method Init Initializes the TWAIN service.
Public Method IsAvailable Determines whether a TWAIN source is installed.
Public Method Preview Gets the preview for the command.
Public Method QuerySourceInformation Gets information about the available TWAIN Data Sources.
Public Method Run Runs custom user commands.
Public Method SelectSource Selects a source for acquiring images.
Public Method SetCapabilityValue Sets the value of the specified capability.
Public Method SetImage Sets the specified image page.
Public Method SetVersion Sets the desired TWAIN version with which to work.
Public Method Start Starts the scanning session.
Public Method Stop Stops the scanning session.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method CreateRasterCodecs Creates a RasterCodecs intance for saving and loading the scanned images.
Protected Method GenerateId Generates a new session Id.

See Also

TwainScanningService Class

Leadtools.Services.Twain Namespace

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