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GetElementValue Method

Gets the XML value as a raw string.
public string GetElementValue() 
- (nullable NSString *)elementValue:(NSError **)error; 
String^ GetElementValue();  
def GetElementValue(self): 

Return Value

The XML value as a raw string.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.Drawing; 
using Leadtools.Forms.DocumentWriters; 
using Leadtools.Svg; 
using Leadtools.Document.Writer; 
private static void SvgDocumentEnumerateElementsExample() 
   // The source PDF file 
   var sourceFile = $@"{LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir}\Leadtools.pdf"; 
   var beforeSvgFile = $@"{LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir}\Leadtools_before.svg"; 
   var afterSvgFile = $@"{LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir}\Leadtools_after.svg"; 
   // Assume this is our Virtual Directory 
   var virtualDirectory = "http://localhost/leadtools_images/svg/resources"; 
   // Assume this phrysical directory maps to the Virtual Directory 
   var physicalDirectory = $@"{LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir}\svg\resources"; 
   if (!Directory.Exists(physicalDirectory)) 
   // Our SVG element enumartion callback 
   SvgEnumerateElementsCallback callback = (SvgDocument document, SvgNodeHandle node, object userData) => 
      if (node.ElementType == SvgElementType.Image) 
         // Get the href 
         var href = node.GetAttributeValue("xlink:href"); 
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(href)) 
            // Parse it as data URI 
            var dataUri = SvgDataUri.Parse(href); 
            // Check if it is a data URI 
            if (dataUri.IsDataUri) 
               // Yes, create a new file in a virtual directory 
               // Show the dataURI properties 
               Console.WriteLine("Replacing data URI"); 
               Console.WriteLine("Format:" + dataUri.ImageFormat); 
               if (dataUri.MediaLength > 0) 
                  Console.WriteLine("Media:" + dataUri.Href.Substring(dataUri.MediaOffset, dataUri.MediaLength)); 
               if (dataUri.CharSetOffset > 0) 
                  Console.WriteLine("CharSet:" + dataUri.Href.Substring(dataUri.CharSetOffset, dataUri.CharSetLength)); 
                  Console.WriteLine("CharSet: not set"); 
               Console.WriteLine("IsBase64:" + dataUri.IsBase64); 
               Console.WriteLine("ImageFormat:" + dataUri.ImageFormat); 
               var extension = dataUri.Extension; 
               Console.WriteLine("Extension:" + dataUri.Extension); 
               // Get a file name 
               var name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + "." + dataUri.Extension; 
               // Save it 
               // Full physical path 
               var filePath = Path.Combine(physicalDirectory, name); 
               /* Alternatively you can save the data yourself using this code 
               var data = dataUri.Href.Substring(dataUri.ValueOffset, dataUri.ValueLength); 
               // Save the data 
               var base64String = dataUri.Href.Substring(dataUri.ValueOffset, dataUri.ValueLength); 
               byte[] rawData = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String); 
               // Save it to disk 
               File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, rawData); 
               // Finally replace the attribute in the image element with the URI 
               var virtualPath = virtualDirectory + "/" + name; 
               node.SetAttributeValue("xlink:href", virtualPath); 
               Console.WriteLine("Does not contain a valid data URI."); 
      return true; 
   using (var rasterCodecs = new RasterCodecs()) 
      // Use 300 DPI when loading document images 
      rasterCodecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.Resolution = 300; 
      // Load the first page as SVG 
      using (var svg = rasterCodecs.LoadSvg(sourceFile, 1, null) as SvgDocument) 
         if (!svg.IsFlat) 
         if (!svg.Bounds.IsValid) 
         // Save this SVG to disk, report the size 
         svg.SaveToFile(beforeSvgFile, null); 
         Console.WriteLine("Before unembedding the image, size is " + new FileInfo(beforeSvgFile).Length); 
         // Now enumerate the elements to replace each embedded image with a URL 
         // Since we are going to modify the SVG, call BeginUpdate/EndUpdate to speed up the process 
         svg.EnumerateElements(new SvgEnumerateOptions { EnumerateDirection = SvgEnumerateDirection.TopToBottom }, callback, null); 
         // Save this SVG to disk again, report the size, should be alot smaller since the image are unembedded and stored as external resources 
         svg.SaveToFile(afterSvgFile, null); 
         Console.WriteLine("Before unembedding the image, size is " + new FileInfo(afterSvgFile).Length); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images"; 
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; 
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileInputStream; 
import java.io.FileOutputStream; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.ObjectInputStream; 
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; 
import java.io.PrintStream; 
import java.nio.file.FileVisitOption; 
import java.nio.file.Files; 
import java.nio.file.Path; 
import java.nio.file.Paths; 
import java.util.stream.Stream; 
import org.junit.*; 
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; 
import org.junit.runner.Result; 
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; 
import static org.junit.Assert.*; 
import leadtools.*; 
import leadtools.codecs.*; 
import leadtools.document.writer.*; 
import leadtools.svg.*; 
public void svgDocumentEnumerateElementsExample() { 
   String LEAD_VARS_ImagesDir = "C:\\LEADTOOLS23\\Resources\\Images"; 
   // The source PDF file 
   String srcFilePath = combine(LEAD_VARS_ImagesDir, "Leadtools_pdf.svg"); 
   String beforeSvgFile = combine(LEAD_VARS_ImagesDir, "Leadtools_before.svg"); 
   String afterSvgFile = combine(LEAD_VARS_ImagesDir, "Leadtools_after.svg"); 
   // Assume this is our Virtual Directory 
   String virtualDirectory = "http://localhost/leadtools_images/svg/resources"; 
   // Assume this phrysical directory maps to the Virtual Directory 
   String physicalDirectory = combine(LEAD_VARS_ImagesDir, "svg\\resources"); 
   if (!new File(physicalDirectory).exists()) 
      new File(physicalDirectory).mkdirs(); 
   // Our SVG element enumartion callback 
   SvgEnumerateElementsCallback callback = (SvgDocument document, SvgNodeHandle node, Object userData) -> { 
      if (node.getElementType() == SvgElementType.IMAGE) { 
         // Get the href 
         String href = node.getAttributeValue("xlink:href"); 
         if (!href.isEmpty() || href != null) { 
            // Parse it as data URI 
            SvgDataUri dataUri = SvgDataUri.parse(href); 
            // Check if it is a data URI 
            if (dataUri.isDataUri()) { 
               // Yes, create a new file in a virtual directory 
               // Show the dataURI properties 
               System.out.println("Replacing data URI"); 
               System.out.println("Format:" + dataUri.getImageFormat()); 
               if (dataUri.getMediaLength() > 0) 
                        "Media:" + dataUri.getHref().substring(dataUri.getMediaOffset(), dataUri.getMediaLength())); 
               if (dataUri.getCharSetOffset() > 0) 
                              + dataUri.getHref().substring(dataUri.getCharSetOffset(), dataUri.getCharSetLength())); 
                  System.out.println("CharSet: not set"); 
               System.out.println("IsBase64:" + dataUri.isBase64()); 
               System.out.println("ImageFormat:" + dataUri.getImageFormat()); 
               String extension = dataUri.getExtension(); 
               System.out.println("Extension:" + extension); 
               // Get a file name 
               String name = "dstSrcFile" + extension; 
               // Save it 
               // Full physical path 
               String filePath = combine(physicalDirectory, name); 
               // Finally replace the attribute in the image element with the URI 
               String virtualPath = virtualDirectory + "/" + name; 
               node.setAttributeValue("xlink:href", virtualPath); 
            } else { 
               System.out.println("Does not contain a valid data URI"); 
      return true; 
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   // Use 300 DPI when loading document images 
   // Load the first page as SVG 
   SvgDocument svgDocument = (SvgDocument) codecs.loadSvg(srcFilePath, 1, null); 
   if (!svgDocument.isFlat()) 
   if (!svgDocument.getBounds().isValid()) 
   // Save this SVG to disk, report the size 
   svgDocument.saveToFile(beforeSvgFile, null); 
   System.out.println("Before unembedding the image, size is " + new File(beforeSvgFile).length()); 
   // Now enumerate the elements to replace each embedded image with a URL 
   // Since we are going to modify the SVG, call BeginUpdate/EndUpdate to speed up 
   // the process 
   SvgEnumerateOptions svgEnumerateOptions = new SvgEnumerateOptions(); 
   svgDocument.enumerateElements(svgEnumerateOptions, callback, null); 
   // Save this SVG to disk again, report the size, should be alot smaller since 
   // the image are unembedded and stored as external resources 
   svgDocument.saveToFile(afterSvgFile, null); 
   System.out.println("After unembedding the image, size is " + new File(afterSvgFile).length()); 
   assertTrue(new File(afterSvgFile).length() != new File(beforeSvgFile).length()); 

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Leadtools.Svg Assembly
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