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A title bar that contains up to eight developer-defined check boxes can be docked at the top of every sub-cell inside the image viewer, four on each side. The check box icons can be selected and deselected programmatically or manually.
Examples of behavior that might be assigned to these icons include:
Show/hide annotations
Show/hide regions of interest
Show/hide rulers
Show/hide tags, such as tags displaying specific patient information
By default, the title bar is not visible. When made visible, the default display uses the Windows Theme colors.
To determine whether the title bar is shown or not, use LImageViewerCell::IsTitlebarEnabled.
To show the title bar, call LImageViewerCell::ShowTitlebar.
To retrieve title bar properties, use LImageViewerCell::GetTitlebarProperties.
To change title bar properties, set the desired values in the title bar structure DISPCONTAINERTITLEBARPROPS, and then pass them to LImageViewerCell::SetTitlebarProperties.
Up to eight icons can be displayed on the title bar, four on each side. Each may be individually displayed/hidden and designated writable/read-only. By default, when the title bar is made visible, four writable icons are made active at the right-hand side of the toolbar. When made visible, the default deselected color is black, the selected color is blue, and the hover color is a green outline.
To retrieve title bar icon properties, use LImageViewerCell::GetIconProperties.
To change the properties of a title bar icon, set the desired values in the structure DISPCONTAINERTITLEBARICONPROPS, and then pass them to the function LImageViewerCell::SetIconProperties.
To retrieve the current state of a specific title bar icon, use LImageViewerCell::IsTitleBarIconChecked.
To check/uncheck title bar icons programmatically, use LImageViewerCell::CheckTitlebarIcon.
To see a sample of the title bar and icon display options and properties, from the Image Viewer Demo main menu, select Properties -->Container Properties, then click the Titlebar tab.
Using the Medical Image Viewer Control
Creating a Bitmap Region Inside the Image Viewer
Customizeable Title Bar
For more information, refer to:
Summary of All Supported Image File Formats