Multimedia SDK Questions
How to use ltmmPlay control to record incoming video from ltsf:// stream in ASF Format?
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
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Posts: 9
Is there a simple way to record something other than an "AVI" video file using VB .Net?
Would like to record say an "ASF" videofile format instead.
Thanks in advance for helpful hints.
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Posts: 9
No answer yet? Odd!
Did find that you MUST have the latest Direct X 9.0c drivers on a new pc in order for the AVI video record on an ltmmPlayCtrl Object!
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Posts: 9
... the latest Direct X 9.0c drivers were loaded.
On a new pc with a fresh Windows XP version installed, tried to run Video Conferencing Client to record the streaming video. But it refused to record video at all.
Once Direct X 9.0c drivers were loaded the problem resolved itself.
Now to figure out how to record something other than AVI file format. AVI Video File Sizes are too large for what my clients need!
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You can save different multimedia formats using our ltmmConvert control.
The source file is set to "ltsf://..." and the target can be anything.
You need to set the ltmmConvertCtrl.TargetFormat Property to the format that you want.
However, AVI format supports compression. Please refer to the following tutorial topic in the LEADTOOLS Multimedia documentation:
- My First Convert (Visual Basic)
Maen Badwan
LEADTOOLS Technical Support
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Posts: 9
Additional Information on why the Video wasn't recording using Multimedia V15.0:
IF "C:\Windows\System32\LMNetDmx.DLL" exists, the video won't record even if "C:\Windows\System32\LMNetDmx2.DLL" is there.
You must also make sure that you have the latest DirectX Drivers installed!
Hope that helps!
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Posts: 9
Sometimes a reboot is required in order to "fix" the issue of not recording after updating the Latest DirectX 9.0c Redist Drivers and renaming of LMNetDMX.DLL!
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Does this mean the reboot after updating the latest DirectX solves the problem on your side?
Maen Badwan
LEADTOOLS Technical Support
Groups: Registered
Posts: 9
Does this mean the reboot after updating the latest DirectX solves the problem on your side?
In a word: "Yes"!
These are steps to do in the order listed to FIX the recording issue:
(1) IF "C:\Windows\System32\LMNetDmx.DLL" exists, the video won't record even if "C:\Windows\System32\LMNetDmx2.DLL" is there.
Rename or Delete "LMNetDmx.DLL" from "C:\Windows\System32\" Directory.
(2) You must also make sure that you have the latest DirectX Drivers installed!
I used the Latest DirectX 9.0c Redist Drivers from Microsoft's Web Site!
(3) Reboot!
Hope that answers your question completely.
Multimedia SDK Questions
How to use ltmmPlay control to record incoming video from ltsf:// stream in ASF Format?
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