This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 1
Hello all!
Using LeadTools Multimedia ME ver.13 found a problem. While running in debug VC++ 7.0 mode creation of IltmmConvert object with CoCreateInstance (and all others except IltmmPlayer ) gives "user breakpoint at address ...". This breakpoint sometimes can be ignored, sometimes cannot. The same things happen with examples included in distributive package. At the same time release version works fine (and debug version running not under VC IDE). There are no such breakpoints when working under VC++ 6. Installing latest patch gives no result.
Does anybody knows something about this?
Groups: Tech Support
Posts: 23
Thanks: 3 times
Check the topic “Problems Debugging Applications” in the helpfile. I suspect this is the problem.
If you are using Microsoft Visual C/C++ under Windows NT, 2000, or XP, you may experience problems when debugging applications that use the LEADTOOLS Multimedia libraries. You may see the following messages in the debug output window:
HEAP[XXXXXXXX.EXE]: Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap( 1d40000, 1d44020 )
Or, you may have to dismiss several Windows message boxes that display a similar error message.
These messages are caused by third party audio and/or video codecs that seem to have problems with the System Device Enumerator. Some of the codecs that are known to cause this problem are:
At this time, the only known solution is to remove (or rename) these codec files from your system. You will need to re-install them when you no longer need to debug your application(s).
For your convenience, the LEADTOOLS installation has re-named the following files:
Old name:Re-named to:
Edited by moderator 8 years ago
| Reason: Not specified
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

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