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Wednesday, August 24, 2005 12:25:38 PM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 2
I am trying to get Owner Draw to work in the ImageList but the L_ILS_OWNERDRAWITEM style doesn't seem to have any effect. I am using the Raster Image Pro V.14 API, file versions are
I am creating the image list like this:
hRet = CContainedWindow::Create( hWndParent, rcPos, NULL, dwStyle | L_ILS_OWNERDRAWITEM, dwExStyle, nID );
I've also tried setting the style using:
SetWindowLong( GWL_STYLE, dwStyle | L_ILS_OWNERDRAWITEM );
and even creating the window using
L_CreateImageListControl( dwStyle | L_ILS_OWNERDRAWITEM, ....
but regardless, the ImageList draws the images itself without ever sending me the L_ILM_DRAWITEM message.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 4:03:47 PM(UTC)
Groups: Manager, Tech Support
Posts: 367
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I tested the Owner Draw feature as follows:
1. Started with the main API demo LEADTOOLS14\examples\DLL\DEMO
2. In the file FRAME.C, added the following case to the outermost switch statement in the BrowseDlgProc function:
OutputDebugString("L_ILM_DRAWITEM \n");
3. Added the L_ILS_OWNERDRAWITEM flag to the first parameter in the
call to L_CreateImageListControl in the same BrowseDlgProc function.
4. Compiled and ran the demo, went to the Image List menu and chose
"Load Database" and loaded a file. This caused the Debug String to be
output every time an item is painted.
It might be that the message is sent to your image list, (at least in
the last approach you used), but your code is not catching it properly.
Amin Dodin
LEADTOOLS Technical Support
Amin Dodin
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 7:31:24 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 2
Thanks, I got it now. ATL message maps are a little confusing particularly when a CContainedWindow is involved. The message was comming to a different part of the message map than expected, plus I didn't expect the ImageList to draw the images at all once I turned on owner draw (that's what the documentation implies). Turns out the images get drawn automatically unless I correctly handle the draw item message.
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