This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 34
How can I create an image resize setup like the one in the photo where when you adjust the width, the others (height, document width and height) will also be adjusted automatically?
Groups: Registered
Posts: 34
like this ?
bnvelarde attached the following image(s):
Groups: Registered, Tech Support
Posts: 179
This is not a LEAD feature as much as it is a general programming question. The idea is to implement event handles for all the text boxes so that when one of them is modified by the user while the 'Proportions' (sometimes called Aspect Ratio) checkbox is enabled, the other fields are updated as needed.
As for the relation between physical (Document) size and pixel size it is basically:
Size in Pixels = Size in inches * DPI
If you're using units other than inch, such as cm, you will need to factor that too. For example:
Size in cm = size in inches * 2.54.
Mohamed Abedallah
Developer Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

Groups: Registered
Posts: 34
Can you please point me to an example of your resize image with the nearest or same function to my requirement?
I have been referring in your RasterizeDocumentDemo, to load the image's width, height, document width and height, pixel, inches and mm but i always get lost for there are a lots of connections.
Thank you very much for the reply.
Groups: Registered, Tech Support
Posts: 179
The RasterizeDocumentDemo is not meant for simple image resizing. The easiest thing to do after you calculate the needed target image size is to use our resizing functions directly such as L_SizeBitmap (if you're using C DLL) or SizeCommand Class (if you're using .NET).
Mohamed Abedallah
Developer Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

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