General Questions
Re: Why delphi7.0 can't use com objects(LEAD DICOM Network COM Object library (14.0)( Version 1.0)?
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Groups: Registered
Posts: 3
I use Delphi7.0,but I have a technical question during my
evaluation period. Under DElphi 7.0,When I use Project->Import Type
Library...->choose"LEAD DICOM Network COM Object library (14.0)( Version 1.0)" It
mentions an error,"[Error]LTDNCLib_TLB.pas(1540):Not enough actual
[Fatal Error]DicStrScp32.dpr[8]:Could not compileused
unit'..\..\..\..\..\Borland \Delphi7\Imports\LTDNCLib_TLB.pas'
Note:1540 punk:=GetServer;
I tried many times ,but failed.
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Posts: 3,022
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Please try doing the following in LTDNCLib_TLB.pas:
1. On line 1154 change:
function GetServer(hNet: Integer): Integer;
To become:
function GetServerSCP(hNet: Integer): Integer;
2. On line 1960 change:
function TLEADDicomNet.GetServer(hNet: Integer): Integer;
To become:
function TLEADDicomNet.GetServerSCP(hNet: Integer): Integer;
General Questions
Re: Why delphi7.0 can't use com objects(LEAD DICOM Network COM Object library (14.0)( Version 1.0)?
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