This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
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Posts: 12
Leadtools 14.5 for MSVC. I'm using VS 2005.
I'm trying to develop a sample to demonstrate Dicom communication. For my MFC application i include these header files from leatools.
#include "c:\program files (x86)\lead technologies, inc\leadtools eval 14.5\include\classlib\ltwrappr.h"
#include "c:\program files (x86)\lead technologies, inc\leadtools eval 14.5\include\ltdic.h"
#include "c:\program files (x86)\lead technologies, inc\leadtools eval 14.5\include\ltlck.h"
I get this compilation error
c:\program files (x86)\lead technologies, inc\leadtools eval 14.5\include\ltdic.h(3974) : error C2371: 'pL_ANNSETTEXT' : redefinition; different basic types
c:\program files (x86)\lead technologies, inc\leadtools eval 14.5\include\classlib\ltcftypd.h(2951) : see declaration of 'pL_ANNSETTEXT'
what am i doing wrong?
i am following an example from Leadtools class library example CLDCLT_E which compiles and executes fine so i know that leadtools is installed correctly.
Thank you
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You seem to have done it correctly. Can you please post a small test project that gives this error?
Groups: Registered
Posts: 12
I'm using LeadTools 14.5 Eval for VS.
I am using MSVC 2005.
To get rid of the above problem i seperated the unlock code and LdicomNet::Connect code, so include ltdic.h in another header file and ltwrappr.h in a .cpp file of another class.
I'm trying to do simple dicom communication with a PACS server.
Organization of the project:
MFC Application : DicomClient
DicomClient.h &.cpp
DicomClientDoc .h& .cpp
DicomCleintView .h & .cpp
In DicomCleintView.cpp i show a dialog to accept inputs ( PACS server IP and port )
I pass these inputs to CNetClient ( NetClient .h & .cpp ). which include ltdic.h
I instantiate CNetInitialize ( NetInitialize .h & .cpp ), which include "classlib\ltwrappr.h"
i call
WRPUNLOCKSUPPORT() to unlick the Lead support, i get linker error
unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static void __cdecl LSettings::UnlockSupport(unsigned int,wchar_t *)" (__imp_?UnlockSupport@LSettings@@SAXIPA_W@Z) referenced in function "public: int __thiscall CNetInitialize::InitializeComm(void)" (?InitializeComm@CNetInitialize@@QAEHXZ)
Infact i added ltdic_e.lib and ltwvc.lib to the project.
*Note, the added LIB file in Leadtool samples are LTDic_e.lib and Ltwvc_e.lib (case difference ).
i attached the whole project, let me know if i am missing any initializations. Its critical for me right now, so quicker the better
thank you
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Posts: 3,022
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The case of the file names should make any difference. The
attachment was not uploaded. Can you please try again? Make
sure it has a .zip extension.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 12
I have problems attaching the project code in a zipped format. However i uploaded it at,
You will find a folder , let me know if you have any porblem with this.
Thank you
Groups: Guests
Posts: 3,022
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I got the error. Try the following to solve it:
1) Go to "Project->DicomClient Properties".
2) Go to "Configuration Properties->General".
3) Make sure that Character Set is set to "Not Set".
4) Now try to rebuild, it should work.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 12
Thanks a lot, It works[:D]
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