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Help me! met Error 20009 Invalid file format
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 18
I use Package and Deployee Wizard of Visual Studio 6 to make a setup package for my image process control. But when I install it on another machine (without LEADTools installed) and try to use it open image the Error 20009: Invalid file format) occurred. Anything wrong? or I need add some .dll when I create the setup package?
David Liu
Groups: Registered
Posts: 18
Now I use the following codes
LEADThumb.LoadStamp = False
LEADThumb.MaintainAspect = True
LEADThumb.ForceSize = False
LEADThumb.ThumbnailBackgroundColor = vbBlack
LEADThumb.ThumbnailWidth = LEADRasterImgList.ItemWidth
LEADThumb.ThumbnailHeight = 0 'LEADRasterImgList.ItemHeight
LEADThumb.CreateThumbnailFromFile sTempArray(0), 1
Private Sub LEADThumb_ThumbnailEvent(ByVal Bitmap As Long, ByVal pszFilename As String, ByVal nStatusCode As Integer, ByVal nPercent As Integer)
LEADRasterImgList.Insert(Bitmap, pszFilename, 0)
End Sub
when i change them to following code everything OK, but it is very slow:
If moRasterIO.Load(moRaster, sFilename, 0, 0, -1) <> 0 Then
GoTo Err_LoadImageFromFile
End If
If LEADRasterImgList.Insert(moRaster.Bitmap, sFilename, 0) <> 0 Then
GoTo Err_LoadImageFromFile
End If
moRaster.Bitmap = 0
Groups: Registered
Posts: 18
I add LTRTM14E.DLL manully but it still doesn't work.
Groups: Registered, Tech Support, Administrators
Posts: 764
Invalid File Format is thrown because you are either loading a file that is invalid, or if the filter DLL necessary for loading the file is missing. These DLLs get loaded at run-time and are probably not going to get picked up by an automatic deployment or building program. Your filters are in your System32 directory and look like LF???E.DLL. You can know which filters to include by consulting your help file and look for the article entitled "Files to be Included in Your Application". Scroll down and you will see what DLLs correspond with various file formats.
You can also test and see which DLLs are being loaded by your application at any time by using Process Explorer. This is a free program that is available from
http://www.sysinternals....cessExplorer.html. Use this program and see what DLLs load on your development machine and then see what is missing from your deployment machine.
General Questions
Help me! met Error 20009 Invalid file format
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