Using our LEADTOOLS imaging toolkits, you can save TIFF files in either strips or tiles, and you can make it single strip. About tag 278 (RowsPerStrip), the toolkit automatically sets it to the strip height, but you can reset it to -1 if you want. About other requirements (sorted IFD), they are not explicitly documented, but I'm attaching a 2 page file (page 1 compressed CCITT G4, page 2 uncompressed) so that you can check if it matches your needs.
I tested with our Main OCX control, but you can use our other programming interfaces if you want.
Here's the code I used (VB6):
LEAD1.Load "ocr1.tif", 0, 1, 1
LEAD1.SaveTileHeight = -1 'this value will not be saved automatically
LEAD1.SaveTileWidth = LEAD1.BitmapWidth * 2
'setting the tag manually
Dim myArray(1) As Long
myArray(0) = -1
LEAD1.SetTag 278, TAG_LONG, 1, myArray
'Save first page
LEAD1.Save "TestMinusOneTileHeight.tif", FILE_CCITT_GROUP4, 1, 0, SAVE_OVERWRITE
'Set tag for first page
LEAD1.WriteTag "TestMinusOneTileHeight.tif", 1
' make second page white on black
'Save second page
LEAD1.Save "TestMinusOneTileHeight.tif", FILE_TIF, 1, 0, SAVE_APPEND
'Set tag for second page
LEAD1.WriteTag "TestMinusOneTileHeight.tif", 2
Amin Dodin
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.