LEADTwainCapHelper v1.0. Assists in transitioning from our older Twain interface to our newer Twain interface for COM
VB 6.0 project with a class object that wraps our new Twain COM object. The class object's properties and methods were designed to be equivalent (as much as possible) to the methods and properties of our older Twain interface (in capabilities only!)
A sample project is provided to show you how to use the class object. If you have any questions or come across any issues with the class, please post back to this thread
Additional information:
How to convert from our old Twain interface (either LEAD Main Control or RasterTwain from versions less than v14) to our new Twain interface (RasterTwain2 in version 13 and RasterTwain in version 14).
How to convert from our old Twain interface (either LEAD Main Control or RasterTwain) to our new Twain interface (RasterTwain2).
Map of properties, methods, and events from old to new
OLD -----> NEW
EnableTwainAutoFeed -----> CAP_AUTOFEED
EnableTwainDuplex -----> CAP_DUPLEXENABLED
EnableTwainEvent -----> N/A
EnableTwainFeeder -----> CAP_FEEDERENABLED
EnableTwainFileEvent -----> N/A
EnableTwainFileFormatEvent -----> N/A
TwainAcquire -----> Acquire
TwainAcquireFile -----> Acquire - Also must set CAP_XFERMECH to L_TWSX_FILE and set FileTransferName property to a path.
TwainAppAuthor -----> ManName
TwainAppFamily -----> ProdFamily
TwainAppName -----> AppName
TwainBits -----> ICAP_BITDEPTH
TwainCloseSession -----> N/A
TwainContrast -----> ICAP_CONTRAST
TwainDuplex -----> CAP_DUPLEX
TwainEnumSources -----> SourceName
TwainFile (event) -----> N/A
TwainFileFormat (event) -----> ICAP_IMAGEFILEFORMAT
TwainFileFormatStatus -----> N/A
TwainFlags -----> Pass value in Aquire to show or hide user interface.
TwainFrameHeight -----> ICAP_FRAMES
TwainFrameLeft -----> ICAP_FRAMES
TwainFrameTop -----> ICAP_FRAMES
TwainFrameWidth -----> ICAP_FRAMES
TwainIntensity -----> ICAP_BRIGHTNESS
TwainMaxPages -----> CAP_XFERCOUNT
TwainPage (event) -----> AcquirePageEvent (event)
TwainPixelType -----> ICAP_PIXELTYPE
TwainRealize -----> N/A
TwainSelect -----> SelectSource
TwainSourceCount -----> SourceCount
TwainSourceList -----> SourceName
TwainSourceName -----> SelectedSourceName to Get / AquireSourceName to Set
Where ICAP_X and CAP_X you will need to use GetCapability2 and SetCapability2 to get and set the values.
Edited by moderator Friday, August 9, 2019 8:53:56 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified
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LEAD Technologies, Inc.