General Questions
How To: Modify ImageList keyboard behavior using Win32 Subclassing in C#
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Monday, June 24, 2013 4:50:06 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered, Tech Support
Posts: 179
The attached project handles the ImageList control key-down behavior, to disable changing the ImageList items when pressing left and right arrows keyboard buttons.
This project uses LEADTOOLS v15 with MS Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 2.
Mohamed Abedallah
Developer Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

Monday, June 24, 2013 4:51:02 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered, Tech Support
Posts: 179
I have updated the project to use LEADTOOLS v18 with MS Visual Studio and .NET 4.
Mohamed Abedallah
Developer Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

General Questions
How To: Modify ImageList keyboard behavior using Win32 Subclassing in C#
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