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#1 Posted : Friday, March 23, 2018 5:05:00 PM(UTC)
Nick Villalobos

Groups: Registered
Posts: 119

Was thanked: 4 time(s) in 4 post(s)

Below you will find the command line arguments for each Command Line demo within the LEADTOOLS SDK

  • C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Barcode\DotNet\BarcodeCLIDemo

The demo demonstrates the LEADTOOLS Barcode reading and writing functionality using the below arguments:
For example:
  • /fp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\barcode1.tif"
  • /fp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\barcode1.tif" /edp true
  • /fp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\barcode1.tif" /of TIF /bt EAN8 /bd "0123456"
  • /fp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\barcode1.tif" /of TIF /bt EAN8 /bd "0123456" /bl 0,0,0,0

Or when running directly from the command line:
  • dotnet run -- /fp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\barcode1.tif"

  • C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomDirCLIDemo

This demo creates a DICOM directory for all DICOM files in the source directory and displays the contents using the below arguments:
  • /dir Dicom_Directory /lt true/false

For example:
  • /dir "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\DICOM" /lt true

  • C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomEchoCLIDemo

Demonstrates DICOM C-ECHO SCU capabilities. Connects to a DICOM SCP and sends a C-ECHO command. Using the following arguments:
  • /ip IP_Address /p Port /sae Server_AE_Title /cae Client_AE_Title

For Example:
  • /ip /p 104 /sae LEAD_SERVER /cae LEAD_CLIENT

  • C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomFindCLIDemo

Demonstrates DICOM C-FIND SCU capabilities. Connects to a DICOM SCP and sends a C-FIND command. Using the following arguments:
  • /ip IP_Address /p Port /sae Server_AE_Title /cae Client_AE_Title

For Example:
  • /ip /p 104 /sae LEAD_SERVER /cae LEAD_CLIENT

  • C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomImportCLIDemo

Imports DICOM files into the example database. Use this demo to import DICOM files into the example database that is used by the DicomServer demo. Using the following arguments:
  • [/fp File_Path or /dir Directory] /sdir Store_Directory /dbcs SQLite_DB_Connection_String [/tdir Temp_Directory]

For Example:
  • /dir "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\DICOM" /sdir "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\DicomImportStoreDir" /dbcs "Data Source=C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\leaddicm.db;"

  • C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomServerCLIDemo

The demo demonstrates implementation of a DICOM storage server.
Allows client to connect, associate, query, and retrieve.
Stores DICOM files in a local database.
Import files directly into the database using the DicomImport example.
Using the following arguments:
  • /ae AE_Title [/ip IP_Address] /p Port [/mc Max_Clients] /sdir Store_Directory /dbcs SQLite_DB_Connection_String [/tdir Temp_Directory]

For Example:
  • /ae "LEAD_SERVER" /ip /p 104 /mc 10 /sdir "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\DICOMStoreDir" /dbcs "Data Source=C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\leaddicm.db;"

  • C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Dicom\DotNet\DicomTagCLIDemo

The demo demonstrates basic DICOM Data set toolkit capabilities using the below arguments:
  • /ifp Input_File_Path [/lt true/false] [/li true/false] [/eip Export_Images_Path] [/me Modify_Element] [/mv Modify_Value] [/de Delete_Element] [/ofp Output_File_Path]

  • /ifp: Input DICOM file

  • /lt true/false: Optional: List the DICOM tags found in the file

  • /li true/false: Optional: Show the DICOM file information

  • /eip exportImagesPath: Optional: Export the images (pixel data) found in the file to the specified directory on disk

  • /me modifyElement: Optional: Modify the specified element number

  • /mv modifyValue: Optional: If modifyElement contains a value, this is the new element value

  • /de deleteElement: Optional: Delete the specified element from the file

  • /ofp outFilePath: Optional: If the DICOM file is modified, this is the name of the output file

For example:
List the tags in a DICOM file:
  • /ifp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\image1.dcm" /lt true

Update and delete an element in the DICOM file:
  • /ifp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\image1.dcm" /eip "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\DicomTagDemo" /me 00100010 /mv "TestName" /de 00104000 /ofp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\dicomtag.dcm"

  • C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\FileFormats\DotNet\LoadSaveCLIDemo

The demo converts the source image from one format to another using the below arguments:
  • /ifp Input_File_Path /ofp Output_File_Path /of Output_Format /bpp Output_BPP [/fp First_Page] [/lp Last_Page]

For example:
  • /ifp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\cannon.jpg" /ofp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\cannon.cmp" /of CMP /bpp 24
  • /ifp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\leadtools.pdf" /ofp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\leadtools.tif" /of TIF /bpp 24 /fp 3 /lp 5

Or when running directly from the command line:
  • dotnet run -- /ifp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\cannon.jpg" /ofp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\cannon.cmp" /of CMP /bpp 24

  • C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\OCR\DotNet\OcrCLIDemo

The demo recognizes input image and saves the recognition results into one of the supported document formats using the below arguments:
  • /ifp Input_File_Path [/ofp Output_File_Path] [/df Output_Document_Format] [/fp First_Page] [/lp Last_Page] [/lc Language_Code] [/z Left,Top,Width,Height] [/edir OCR_Engine_Runtime_Directory] [/cap Characters_Attributes_XML_Path] [/pip Processed_Image_Path]]

For example:
  • /ifp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\ocr1.tif" /ofp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\out.pdf" /df PDF /fp 1 /lp -1 /lc en /z 50,50,150,150 /cap "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\out.xml" /pip "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\processedimage.tif"

Or when running directly from the command line:
  • dotnet run /ifp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\ocr1.tif" /ofp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\out.pdf" /df PDF
  • dotnet run /ifp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\ocr1.tif"

/ifp input_file_path
path to the file containing the image to be OCRed. Must be specified.
/ofp output_file_path
Optional: The path to the output file that will contain the recognized document. If omitted, the OCR results will be printed to the console.
/f document_format
Optional: If this argument is omitted, the result will be printed out as text into the console. Otherwise, it must be one of the following:
  • PDF: PDF with no embedded fonts
  • PDF_EMBED: PDF with embedded fonts
  • PDFA: Adobe Portable Document Archive (PDFA) file.
  • PDF_IMAGE_OVER_TEXT: PDF with image over text and with no embedded fonts.
  • PDF_EMBED_IMAGE_OVER_TEXT: PDF with image over text and with embedded fonts.
  • PDFA_IMAGE_OVER_TEXT: Adobe Portable Document Archive (PDFA) file with image over text.
  • DOCX: Non framed Microsoft Word Document file.
  • DOCX_FRAMED: Framed Microsoft Word Document file.
  • RTF: Non framed Rich Text Format file.
  • RTF_FRAMED: Framed Rich Text Format file.
  • TEXT: Non Formatted UTF-8 Text file.
  • TEXT_FORMATTED: Formatted UTF-8 Text file.
  • SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics file.
  • ALTO_XML: Analyzed Layout and Text Object XML file.
  • HTM: HyperText Markup Language file.
  • EPUB: eBooks file.
  • MOBI: Mobipocket e-book file.

/li first_page:
Optional: 1-based first page number in input_file_path. Default value is 1

/lp last_page:
Optional: 1 -based last page number in input_file_path. Default value is -1 for last page in the file

/lc language_code:Optional: Must be one of the supported ISO 639-1 language codes. For example:
  • en: English
  • fr: French

/edir engine_directory:
Optional: Override the default OCR runtime directory.

/z left,top,width,height:
Optional: Zone bounds. Will be used only on the first page of the document. All other pages (if any) will be auto-zoned.

Optional: File to save the OCR recognized characters as XML. The XML will be saved for the first page only.

Optional: File to save the B/W processed image. The image will be saved for the first page only.

  • C:\LEADTOOLS23\Examples\Dicom\DotNet\TransferSyntaxCLIDemo

This demo converts the transfer syntax of a DICOM file to another using the below arguments:
  • /ifp Input_File_Path /ofp Output_File_Path /ts Transfer_Syntax
For example:
  • /ifp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\DICOM\image1.dcm" /ofp "C:\Users\Public\Documents\LEADTOOLS Images\DICOM\transfer_syntax.dcm" /ts "ImplicitVRLittleEndian"

Supported Transfer Syntax:
  • ImplicitVRLittleEndian
  • ExplicitVRLittleEndian
  • ExplicitVRBigEndian
  • JPEGBaseline1
  • JPEGExtended2_4
  • JPEGLosslessNonhier14B
  • JPEG2000LosslessOnly
  • JPEG2000
  • RLELossless

Edited by moderator Wednesday, December 27, 2023 1:13:07 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Nick Villalobos
Developer Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

thanks 1 user thanked Nick Villalobos for this useful post.
suvathi018 on 6/22/2018(UTC)

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