Hi all,
I'm trying to compile the demo "...\LEADTOOLS EVAL14\Examples\COM\Delphi\OCR\DOcrDemo.dpr", and it's trying to find all the "..._TLB" files in the following code (from the file "mainform.pas"), but it cannot:
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus, ActiveX, ComObj, LTRASTERDLGKRNLib_TLB, LTRASTERDLGFILELib_TLB, LTRASTERDOCLib_TLB, LTRASTERPROCLib_TLB, LTRasterlib_TLB, LTRASTERTWAINLib_TLB, LTRASTERIOLib_TLB, OleServer, AxCtrls, OleCtrls, LTRASTERVIEWLib_TLB, LTRASTERDLGIMGLib_TLB, LTDLLDef,
LTLckKey, LEADCOMErr, Math;
The very first non-existent file is "LTRASTERDLGKRNLib_TLB", and it doesn't exist on either my system hard drive (c) or project hard drive (d). I don't have any files by these names on my computer, either in .PAS or .DCU format. Where do I get these files?