Imaging SDK Questions
Feature Not Supported Error when Saving a Bitmap
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Thursday, December 1, 2005 1:32:31 PM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 1
Hi, after trying many different ways to save a file, I keep getting the same error (-16 ERROR_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED). What I'm trying to do is initialize an LBitmapBase and convert a DIB then save it as a compressed tiff. The bitmap in memory is a bitonal bitmap. I am using the latest evaluation version. Here is the code:
ret = LBase::LoadLibraries(LT_KRN | LT_DIS | LT_FIL);
//Declare and load the bitmap from memory
LBitmapBase LeadBitmap;
ret = LeadBitmap.ConvertFromDIB(images.bitonalImageBuffer.buf.lpBitmapInfo, images.bitonalImageBuffer.buf.ptr );
if (ret > 0)
printf("\tSuccess %hi\n",ret);
printf("\tError %hi\n",ret);
//Save the bitmap
L_INT format=FILE_BMP;
L_INT bpp=1;
L_INT qfactor =0;
ret = LeadBitmap.Save(TiffFilename,format ,bpp,qfactor,0); //<-- Here is where I get the -16 error.
if (ret > 0)
printf("\tSuccess %hi\n",ret);
printf("\tError %hi\n",ret);
LBase::UnloadLibraries(LT_KRN | LT_DIS | LT_FIL);
Monday, December 5, 2005 1:58:51 PM(UTC)
Groups: Registered, Tech Support
Posts: 46
90% of the time that error occurs on save because there is a missing LF???14n.dll (or LF???14e.dll in the case of an eval). In the help file, look for a topic, Files to be included with your Application. Make sure you have all of the LF DLL's for the format you are trying to save in the same folder as the LTFIL DLL is being loaded.
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LEAD Technologies, Inc.

Imaging SDK Questions
Feature Not Supported Error when Saving a Bitmap
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