This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:04:05 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 1
Is there any "special" Unicode version for the "Raster Imaging Pro" 14.0 ?
In fact, I'm trying to use L_LoadBitmap passing a L_TCHAR* as file name but the function returns -10 (ERROR_FILENOTFOUND).
I mention that it works fine in a non-Unicode version (passing L_CHAR* for the file name parameter).
Thank you.
Best regards,
Marcel Rezmerita.
Thursday, March 9, 2006 8:28:31 AM(UTC)
Groups: Manager, Tech Support
Posts: 367
Was thanked: 1 time(s) in 1 post(s)
Yes, there is a Unicode build of our LEADTOOLS 14 toolkit. If you don't
have download instructions for this build, send you product serial
number to and ask for it.
Amin Dodin
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

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