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Wednesday, March 8, 2006 5:35:39 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 4
Hello, I am using the function autotrim, but this single one works to me in the first page of a document ADF, that I do?
this function I'm using (ASP+VBScript+COM+Lead 13)
Private Sub RasterTwain_AcquirePageEvent(ByVal pBitmap) //-->Escanea la imagen
RasterView.AutoSetRects = True
RasterView.Raster.InsertBitmapListItem -1, pBitmap
RasterView.Raster.BitmapListIndex = RasterView.Raster.BitmapListCount - 1
//RasterView.PaintSizeMode = 2
RasterView.Appearance = 1 //APPEARANCE_THREED
RasterView.BorderStyle = 1
RasterView.PaintDither = 1 // PAINTDITHER_DIFFUSION
RasterView.PaintPalette = 0 //PAINTPALETTE_AUTO
//RasterView.AutoRepaint = true
RasterView.AutoRepaint = true
RasterView.AutoSize = false
RasterView.AutoSetRects = true
RasterView.ScaleMode = 0
RasterView.PaintSizeMode=1 //-->0:tamaño original; 1: mete toda la imagen en el espacio disponible 2:compone a lo ancho 3:compone a lo largo -->
RasterProc.EnableMethodErrors = false
indice.value = cint(indice.value) + 1 //-->Incrementa los campos de navegacion
//msgbox (" res de trim :" & res)
izq = cint("")
arr = cint("")
anc = cint("")
alt = cint("")
//msgbox "izq: " & izq & " arr: " & arr & " anc: "& anc & " alt: " & alt
trimresp = RasterProc.Trim (RasterView.Raster, izq, arr, anc , alt) //-->Recorta el documento con los tamaños establecidos
if (""<>"C") then
res = RasterProc.AutoTrim (RasterView.Raster, 140) //-->Recorda los espacios en blanco
end if
if RasterView.Raster.BitmapListIndex + 1 < RasterView.Raster.BitmapListCount then
RasterView.Raster.BitmapListIndex = RasterView.Raster.BitmapListIndex + 1
end if
pagina.value=RasterView.Raster.BitmapListCount //-->Incrementa el numero de paginas
End Sub
Friday, March 10, 2006 8:22:02 AM(UTC)
Groups: Guests
Posts: 3,022
Was thanked: 2 time(s) in 2 post(s)
I apologize but I do not understand your problem. Could you please provide specific details to the problem you are having?
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 9:03:32 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 4
only found the autotrim in the firts page in mode ADF in the next pages not cut spaces blank
Monday, March 20, 2006 3:41:18 AM(UTC)
Groups: Guests
Posts: 3,022
Was thanked: 2 time(s) in 2 post(s)
If I understand your question correctly, you are saying that the 'Autotrim' function is only working for the first page of a multi-page file. If this is the case, you need to use the 'AutoTrim' function on each page by incrementing the 'BitmapListIndex' Property like below.
For I = 0 To LEADRasterView1.Raster.BitmapCount - 1
LEADRasterView1.Raster.BitmapListIndex = I
RasterProc.AutoTrim LEADRasterView1.Raster, 64
Next I
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