Thank you for the quick response.
I downloaded the latest patch off the support site and tried my project
again. It appears to be working as I would expect. I believe that part
of my problem was how I was obtaining a Graphics object. I was using
the graphics object of the viewer control and not the Image; so it
makes sense to me that I was drawing onto the control surface which
would be covered up by the image.
Now I have a couple of additional questions:
1.) When I don't want to show the region any more, I clear the region
using the MakeRegionEmpty(). But the highlight that I did using the
FillRegion remains. How can I undo the fill? I cloned the image before
starting and just reset the Image to the saved clone, but that can be a
big chunk of memory I would think.
2.) When I initially display the image I am using RasterPaintProperties
to display a gray scale image. We tend to work with large size images
that don't look very good when the fit the viewer. When I use the
FillRegion() method it appears I lose my RasterPaintProperties. Is
there any way to redisplay the image with the gray scale and the region
I have included a small application that is attempting to perform the 3
action I desire:
1.) Select an image an highlight the region
2.) Clear the region and the highlight
3.) Redisplay the last selected region and highlight.
The application is developed using Visual Studio 2003 and version 1.1
of the framework. Sorry for the size, but it has the image that have
been using for testing.