Imaging SDK Questions
Acquire image using TWAIN in L_TWAIN_FILE_MODE
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:42:21 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 101
I want to acquire image using TWAIN in L_TWAIN_FILE_MODE.
I am using VisualBasic 6 with LT14.
May I get any sample code to do so with the definitions of -
L_TwainSetProperties, LTWAINPROPERTIES, DATATRANSFER, L_TwainInitSession,
Please reply soon. The user needs are urgent.
Thanks in advance.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006 6:21:07 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 101
I am using LT14.
Waiting for reply. Thanks again
Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:23:52 AM(UTC)
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You can tell by setting the ICAP_XFERMECH capability value to TWSX_FILE and checking the result.
The Twain API help file shows how to set this capability using the L_TwainSetCapability method. The code sample is in the help topic for the L_TwainAcquire function.
The definitions you ask about are all in the L_OCXADD.BAS file, which is in the LEADTOOLS\Include folder. We currently have VB6 samples and demos that use the Twain COM object. If you want to use the DLL API, you can convert the C samples to VB.
Amin Dodin
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

Friday, May 12, 2006 5:30:48 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 101
HI Amin,
Thanks for your reply.
I had tried same things with LEADRasterTwain object. The sample code is as follows.
I am using VB6 with LT 14. I want to capture image in FILE mode
For writing following code, I referred "Acquiring an Image (Visual Basic)" example from LTTWNCOMN.hlp help file. Code for initializing device is not included bellow, because it is working fine.
Private Sub Acquire_Click()
Dim lRasterVariant As New LEADRasterVariant
lRasterVariant.Type = VALUE_ARRAY_LONG
lRasterVariant.LongItemValue(0) = L_TWSX_FILE
TwainCap.EnableMethodErrors = True
TwainCap.CapInfo.Capability = L_ICAP_XFERMECH
TwainCap.CapInfo.ConType = L_TWON_ONEVALUE
TwainCap.CapOneValue.OneValItemType = L_TWTY_UINT16
TwainCap.CapOneValue.OneValCapValue = lRasterVariant 'Error at this statement
RasterTwain.SetCapability2 TwainCap, L_LTWAIN_CAPABILITY_SET
RasterTwain.FileTransferName = "c:\twain.bmp"
End Sub
'Err.Description :- Method 'OneValCapValue' of object 'ICapabilityOneValue2' failed
'Err.Number :- 20013
My request is,
- Copy this code in your project
- Resolve the error
- Check for the output whether the file get captured at c:\ (or path you specify.), and send me the updated code back.
Please send the updated code with helpful comments clearifying the use of property and method.
Thanks again.
Waiting for reply.
Sunday, May 14, 2006 10:26:58 AM(UTC)
Groups: Manager, Tech Support
Posts: 367
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As shown in the help topic "Capability Example for Visual Basic", when setting this capability, you should do the following instead of using VALUE_ARRAY_LONG:
lRasterVariant.Type = VALUE_USHORT
lRasterVariant.LongValue = L_TWSX_FILE
Please try this and if you still face a problem, tell me if the error changes value and position.
Amin Dodin
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

Sunday, May 14, 2006 9:40:23 PM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 101
Private Sub Acquire_Click()
Dim lRasterVariant As New LEADRasterVariant
lRasterVariant.Type = VALUE_USHORT
lRasterVariant.LongValue = L_TWSX_FILE
TwainCap.EnableMethodErrors = True
TwainCap.CapInfo.Capability = L_ICAP_XFERMECH
TwainCap.CapInfo.ConType = L_TWON_ONEVALUE
TwainCap.CapOneValue.OneValItemType = L_TWTY_INT16
TwainCap.CapOneValue.OneValCapValue = lRasterVariant
RasterTwain.SetCapability2 TwainCap, L_LTWAIN_CAPABILITY_SET
RasterTwain.FileTransferName = "c:\twain.bmp"
End Sub
If I set TwainCap.EnableMethodErrors = True then following error occer at line
TwainCap.CapOneValue.OneValCapValue = lRasterVariant
Method 'OneValCapValue' of object 'ICapabilityOneValue2' failed
If I set TwainCap.EnableMethodErrors = False then following error occer at line
RasterTwain.SetCapability2 TwainCap, L_LTWAIN_CAPABILITY_SET
LEAD Error : General Failure
One more error occer some time for same line
If I set TwainCap.EnableMethodErrors = False then following error occer at line some times
RasterTwain.SetCapability2 TwainCap, L_LTWAIN_CAPABILITY_SET
LEAD Error : TWAIN Bad Value Passed
I am using Visual Basic 6 with LEAD Tools 14. LEAD Patch I am using is '4 Jan'. My twain device supports file mode. It is confirmed with other softwares. You may use "Twain 32 Sample Source" from twack32 (TwainToolKit) or any other source.
I am attaching sample project for you. Please make corrections it that project, test it at your end. and give me the final project.
I need to finish this task as soon as possible. As I told in my first mail, the customer needs are urgent. So forward back as soon as possible. And this time, give final solution please.
Waiting for your reply.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:04:03 PM(UTC)
Groups: Manager, Tech Support
Posts: 367
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I changed the following line in your project:
TwainCap.CapOneValue.OneValItemType = L_TWTY_UINT16 'instead of L_TWTY_INT16
I tested with build (now available in the latest patches) using the TWAIN_32 Sample Source and it's working.
I also made another change by adding the If statement in the following Sub:
Private Sub RasterTwain_AcquirePageEvent(ByVal pBitmap As Long)
MsgBox "Acquisition of Image Done"
If 0 = pBitmap Then Exit Sub
LEADRasterView1.Raster.InsertBitmapListItem -1, pBitmap
End Sub
The reason is that the event can be triggered without a valid bitmap if it was saved to file because of using the File mode.
Amin Dodin
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 8:05:22 PM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 101
Thousands of thanks Amin,
The solution you have given is working file.
Thanks and will see you for my next problem.
Imaging SDK Questions
Acquire image using TWAIN in L_TWAIN_FILE_MODE
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