Good morning Ali (its morning here now)
Thanks for reply.
I am using high speed capture card with supported frame rate of 30 Frames Per Second. If I capture video with this card, its frame rate is about 25 - 30 FPS
But as I told, I cannot capture video as I need to average the image. The source I get is full with XRay noise. User donot want this noise. To remove noice I am using AddBitmaps function with BC_AVG argument passed to it. How many frames to be averaged is decided by user. I take that number as input from user. Load these images in invisible leadRasterAveraging and apply AddBitmaps method. The averaging frames number may also vary. It is not fixed.
In this case I donot thind video processing multimedia filters you are saying in your reply will work.
As you told, I am already copying the image in my current code and not loading from hard disk.
leadRasterFullScreen.Raster.Bitmap = leadRasterAveraging.Raster.Bitmap
'-----------END CODE-----------------
User view the image in leadRasterFullScreen. This control is full screen control (height = screen.scaleheight AND width = screen.scalewidth). I cannot reduce the size of control.
The live images I capture contain XRay noise. I need to remove that noise while showing preview. To do so, I donot use ltmmCapture control to show preview. I render the output of ltmmCapture control to ltmmPlay control and capture image from ltmmPlay control using
SavePicture ltmmPlay.GetStillPicture(1000), . . . . . . . . .
This image I load in leadRasterAveraging and average the image to remove noise. Then I copy averaged image in leadRasterFullScreen control.
All this process is very fast except the last step. I had worked much on this process or flow to detect which step is taking maximum time. I found, only last step i.e. displaying image form leadRasterAveraging to leadRasterFullScreen is most time consuming step (About 60 % of time compaired to one loop)
I also tried using other controls for fast display (eg. Visual Basics Image control, Picture box etc.) still it is not reducing the time.
User should be able to see live averaged display on screen. My current code donot make it real time display. When user moves hand infront of source, the display on screen is after user's hand is out of source. There is some delay in live action and the preview. It also looks like the the intermidiate frames are missing. The preview is jurky.
I tried my best to keep things simple while explaining you the real needs. If confusing, just concentrate over loading 25 images in 1 second.
Waiting for your reply.