This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 1
i have tried automatic image registration based on algorithm given by
reddy and chatergi (1996).but i'm not getting the correct
there any other algorithm available for image registration based on
FFT..wil u explain me steps involved in this algorithm
Groups: Guests
Posts: 3,022
Was thanked: 2 time(s) in 2 post(s)
We have a Registration Mark function, which works on document images only, and on a specific mark shape, which is T-shaped.
This is explained in the help topic "Detecting Registration Marks" in our help files.
We don't currently have any other image registration functions.
Ali Abo Al-Rob
LEADTOOLS Technical Support
704-332-5532 voice
704-372-8116 fax
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