I bought raster image pro...
I have 2 problem..and Questions.
I use Boland C++ builder 6..
1. If I add #include "LEADMain.hpp" in my ActiveX project..
Then I get many Error..
like below.:
[C++ Error] BDE.hpp(4159): E2015 Ambiguity between 'PLongint' and 'System::PLongint'
extern PACKAGE Word __stdcall DbiBatchMove(pBATTblDesc pSrcTblDesc, hDBICur hSrcCur, pBATTblDesc pDstTblDesc, hDBICur hDstCur, eBATMode ebatMode, Word iFldCount, PWORD pSrcFldMap, char * pszIndexName, char * pszIndexTagName, Word iIndexId, char * pszKeyviolName, char * pszProblemsName, char * pszChangedName, PLongint lProbRecs, PLongint lKeyvRecs, PLongint lChangedRecs, BOOL bAbortOnFirstProb, BOOL bAbortOnFirstKeyviol, int &lRecsToMove, BOOL bTransliterate);
[C++ Error] LEADMain.hpp(1973): E2015 Ambiguity between 'PLongint' and 'System::PLongint'
int __fastcall GetUserLookupTable(PLongint nPointCount);
How can I add activeX project...
If I add it normal application project..then it's OK.
I want to make activeX ..So I have to reduce total size....
How can I reduce it?
I found if I use TLEADImage component, It inclues
and must use
2006-06-19 1,010,151 Leadtools_dll.cab
2006-01-25 262,144 LTDIS14N.dll
2006-02-06 155,648 ltdlgkrn14n.dll
2006-01-30 241,664 ltefx14N.dll
2006-02-02 155,648 ltfil14N.DLL
2006-01-30 1,118,208 ltimg14N.dll
2006-01-26 434,176 ltkrn14N.dll
So, It's huge for me..
I want to use only GIF image saving..and image effect.
Is there no way without dll files? (like static lib... because I want to release other user just 1 ocx file.)
I can get LEADImage from TBitmap using
int nRet = LEADImage1->FromHBitmap((L_HBITMAP)pB->Handle, (L_HPALETTE)pB->Palette);
But, I cannot assign LEADImage bitmap to TBitmap ...(I want to use TBitmap in my special class..)