This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Sunday, February 15, 2004 4:29:55 PM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 2
The XA the image is having an overlay image data.
But me, without searching the method it will be able to indicate the overlay image it is.
====== Image Info ===============
BitsAllocated = 16
BitsStored = 10
HighBit = 9
BitsPerPixel = 16
Overlay Bit Position = 13
Overlay Bit Allocated = 16
Overlay Type = G
Me it sees an overlay it wants.
It wants a sample program or the method which is the possibility of seeing the overlay image.
Sample Image Download
I use LeadTools 13.0.
Thank you.
Thursday, May 5, 2005 11:32:10 AM(UTC)
Groups: Tech Support
Posts: 23
Thanks: 3 times
LEADTOOLS 14 has built in support for overlays:
An "Overlay Plane" describes graphics or bit-mapped text that is associated with an image or has its own existence within a series. It may also describe a ROI in an Image.
Each "Overlay Plane" is one bit deep (1BPP). Sixteen separate planes may be associated with an image or exist as "Standalone Overlays" in a series.
Overlay pixel data is stored either in "Overlay Data" (60xx, 3000) or embedded in the "Image Pixel Data" (7FE0, 0010).
LEADTOOLS offers a number of functions to manipulate overlays in DICOM datasets.
L_DicomGetOverlayCount can be used to find the number of overlays in the DICOM dataset. Call L_DicomGetOverlayAttributes to retrieve the attributes of an overlay and L_DicomGetOverlayBitmap to retrieve the "Overlay Data" (60xx,3000) for a single-frame overlay or L_DicomGetOverlayBitmapList for a multi-frame one. L_DicomGetOverlayActivationLayer lets you get the activation layer for the overlay.
LEADTOOLS also allows you to insert a new or update an existing overlay. Call L_DicomSetOverlayAttributes to set the attributes of a certain overlay and then call
L_DicomSetOverlayBitmap or L_DicomSetOverlayBitmapList to set its data.
To delete all the elements related to an overlay call L_DicomDeleteOverlay.
Edited by moderator Monday, April 10, 2017 2:05:10 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

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