Imaging SDK Questions
Change in Bitmap value everytime image is loaded in Lead Control?
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:06:06 PM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 49
I'am using Leadtools version 13.0. I loaded one image in the control. I tried to assign same image in the other leadtool control , but the Bitmap value of the Lead1 and Lead2 control are different though i'am loading same inage in both of them. Will you plaese tell me how can i resolve this thing so the bitmap value remains constant when i load image from one control in other. Also the height and width of the both the lead controls are same.
LEAD1.Load "C:\sample.jpg", 0, 1, 1
MsgBox (LEAD1.Bitmap)
LEAD2.Bitmap = LEAD1.Bitmap
MsgBox (LEAD2.Bitmap)
Lead1.Bitmap value is not equal to Lead2.Bitmap.
So, please tell me how can i get the same value for both of them.
Thank you in advance.
- Manjushree
Thursday, August 10, 2006 5:21:12 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered, Tech Support
Posts: 207
Was thanked: 3 time(s) in 3 post(s)
I believe the documentation in the help file addresses this issue:
When assigning to this property, a copy of the source control's bitmap is made unless the Main Control's RefBitmap property is set to True. Use the RefBitmap property to avoid having a second copy of the source image in memory.
You can this information in the LTOCXN.HLP file found in your \LEADTOOLS 14.5\Help. In the Contents Tab expand the "Properties, Methods, and Events" icon, then the "Main Control", then "Properties".
Travis Montgomery
Senior Sales Engineer

Imaging SDK Questions
Change in Bitmap value everytime image is loaded in Lead Control?
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