We don't have a demo project to do that, but you can modify the demo in the following folder to add manual OMR zones:
[LEADTOOLS 14.5 location]\examples\COM\VB\OCR
In the file Main1.frm, do the following:
1. Add the following line to Sub Form_Initialize():
LEADRasterView1.AutoRubberBand = True
2. Write the rubber band event handler as follows:
Private Sub LEADRasterView1_RubberBand() 'Manual Zones
If (Not ShowOCRErrMsg(True)) Then Exit Sub
Dim zData As New LTZoneData
LEADRasterView1.ClientToBitmap LEADRasterView1.RubberBandLeft, LEADRasterView1.RubberBandTop
zData.Left = LEADRasterView1.ConvertX
zData.Top = LEADRasterView1.ConvertY
zData.Right = zData.Left + LEADRasterView1.RubberBandWidth
zData.Bottom = zData.Top + LEADRasterView1.RubberBandHeight
zData.FillMethod = FM_OMR
zData.RecognizeModule = RECOGNIZE_MODULE_OMR
zData.CharacterFilter = CHAR_FILTER_DEFAULT
zData.Flags = 0
zData.EnableVerificationEvent = False
zData.SectionName = "Section1"
If RasterDoc.AddZone(PageIndex, -1, zData) = 0 Then
FindZone = True
End If
End Sub
You can then draw the zones using the mouse, then save them using the Zone => Export Zones... menu item.
Amin Dodin
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.