Multimedia SDK Questions
Distributing Control in VB.NET Application (Visual Studio 2005)
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:37:03 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 1
I am having trouble installing an application on a server. My app is called mmsapplication and the error I get is..
EventType clr20r3, P1 mmsapplication.exe, P2 1.0.2587.28424, P3 45c0bf01, P4 mmsapplication, P5 1.0.2587.28424, P6 45c0bf01, P7 b, P8 e9, P9 system.invalidoperationexception, P10 NIL.
If I install Leadtools Multimedia 15 on the Server this fixes the problem. I have included all those recommended in the help file...
AxInterop.LTMMLib.dll, LMDSKernelLib2.dll and Interop.LTMMLib.dll
What others do i need to stop having to install the full product??
Many thanks
Wednesday, January 31, 2007 11:14:42 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered, Tech Support, Administrators
Posts: 764
You also should include the files that the AxInterop DLLs wrap such as LTMM15n.dll, DSKernel.dll etc.
Also, you can test and see which DLLs are being loaded by your application at any time by using Process Explorer. This is a free program that is available from
http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/utilities/ProcessExplorer.mspx. Use this program and see what DLLs load on your development machine and then see what is missing from your deployment machine.
Multimedia SDK Questions
Distributing Control in VB.NET Application (Visual Studio 2005)
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