Multimedia SDK Questions
Re: Updating at the sametime two pictureboxes with the ltmmCapture and ltmmPlay objects
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 6
Hi, I need help with this, I am working with vb6 and version 14
I have one objCapture As New ltmmCapture and objPlay As New ltmmPlay.
This two objects are connected to two picturebox, in this way:
objCapture.VideoWindowFrame = pictureView.hWnd
objPlay.VideoWindowFrame = picturePlay.hWnd
I need to connect two pictureboxes to each object, so the user can see the capture in a small window in one monitor and at the same time the same capture in other monitor, as well as when it plays a video
Is there any way to do this, any event i can choose to update at the same time two pictireboxes connected with the video I am capturing ( ltmmCapture) and while I am playing ( ltmmPlay) ?
Please I wait your answer I do not know how to do this
Thank you so much in advance
Groups: Registered, Tech Support
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One way to do this is to add a LEAD Video Callback multimedia filter into our control (this works with either the Capture or the Play control).
Whenever the callback function is triggered, you can take the video frame and make a Windows bitmap from it and draw it on the additional picture box you have.
For more information about the LEAD Video Callback multimedia filter, please refer to the following forums:
Maen Badwan
LEADTOOLS Technical Support
Multimedia SDK Questions
Re: Updating at the sametime two pictureboxes with the ltmmCapture and ltmmPlay objects
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