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#1 Posted : Friday, October 5, 2007 8:11:07 AM(UTC)


Groups: Registered
Posts: 5

I am using leadtools 15 , in VB.Net, with document imaging annotations.

I want to use custom linecap, because the linecap.arrowanchor is too small for my customer needs.

With system.drawing.drawing2d,
one can use :
pen.startcap = linecap.custom
pen.customstartcap = mycap                                                

How to do this with AnnPen. I can set MyAnnPen.startcap=linecap.custom, but there is no AnnPen.customstartCap propertie ?



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#2 Posted : Sunday, October 7, 2007 1:24:49 AM(UTC)

Qasem Lubani  

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Posts: 3,022

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If you would like to ask our engineers to add it as a feature, you can submit a feature request with details of what you need exactly, using the following web form:

#3 Posted : Sunday, October 7, 2007 2:49:07 AM(UTC)


Groups: Registered
Posts: 5

I thought it was possible overloading the annlineobject class. but if it is not possible,  I will deal with it.
#4 Posted : Tuesday, October 9, 2007 12:22:35 PM(UTC)


Groups: Registered
Posts: 5

I did it this way :

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization

' LEADTOOLS namespaces
Imports Leadtools
Imports Leadtools.Annotations
Imports Leadtools.WinForms
Imports Leadtools.Codecs
Imports Leadtools.Internal

<Serializable()> _
Public Class MyAnnFlecheAbbObject : Inherits AnnLineObject ' must derive from AnnObject or one of its derived classes
    ' constructor

    Public Sub New() ' no, we do not require a font
        MyBase.New(True, True, False)
        ' initialize the points

    End Sub


    Protected Overrides Function Create() As AnnObject
        ' must return a new instance of our class
        Return New MyAnnFlecheAbbObject()
    End Function

    Public Overrides Function Clone() As Object
        ' override the clone method

        ' first call the base implementation
        Dim obj As MyAnnFlecheAbbObject = CType(IIf(TypeOf MyBase.Clone() Is MyAnnFlecheAbbObject, MyBase.Clone(), Nothing), MyAnnFlecheAbbObject)

        ' next, copy the points

        Return obj
    End Function

    Function custcap() As CustomLineCap

        Dim hPath As New GraphicsPath()
        Dim myArray As Point() = {New Point(-2, -7), New Point(2, -7), New Point(0, 0), New Point(-2, -7), New Point(-1, -7), New Point(0, 0), New Point(1, -7), New Point(0, 0), New Point(0, -7), New Point(0, 0)}
        ' Construct the hook-shaped end cap.
        Dim HookCap As New CustomLineCap(Nothing, hPath)
        ' Set the start cap and end cap of the HookCap to be rounded.
        'HookCap.SetStrokeCaps(LineCap.Triangle, LineCap.Triangle)
        HookCap.StrokeJoin = LineJoin.Bevel
        Return HookCap
    End Function

    Protected Overrides Sub DrawObject(ByVal graphics As System.Drawing.Graphics)

        Dim vpen As Pen

        Dim vs As System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsState = Me.BeginDraw(graphics)

        vpen = New Pen(Me.Pen.Color, Me.Pen.Width.Value)
        vpen.StartCap = Me.Pen.StartCap
        vpen.EndCap = Me.Pen.EndCap
        If Me.Pen.EndCap = LineCap.Custom Then
            vpen.EndCap = LineCap.Custom
            vpen.CustomEndCap = custcap()
        End If
        If Me.Pen.StartCap = LineCap.Custom Then
            vpen.StartCap = LineCap.Custom
            vpen.CustomStartCap = custcap()
        End If
        vpen.DashStyle = Me.Pen.DashStyle

        graphics.DrawPath(vpen, Me.GetGraphicsPath(AnnGetGraphicsPathMode.DrawObject))

        Me.EndDraw(graphics, vs)

    End Sub

End Class
'End Namespace

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