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Interface problem for Delphi Isapi Dll (L_GetAutoTrimRec)
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 4
Currently I'm tryin-out LEAD 14.5 evaluation to integrate in my Delphi 7 Isapi Dll.
My application processes scans of pasports and id-cards and I want to add deskew and autotrim functionality.
For the autotrim I want to filter-out dust and spickles, than I want to get de autotrim rect, and then Trim the original image with the rect coordinates.
I need the following functions:
- DeskewExt
- Median
- L_GetAutoTrimRect
- Trim
- Rotate
Because I don't need any visual components I started-out using the COM interface:
Raster := CreateComObject(CLASS_LEADRaster) as LEADRaster;
RasterIO := CreateComObject(CLASS_LEADRasterIO) as LEADRasterIO;
RasterProc := CreateComObject(CLASS_LEADRasterProcess) as LEADRasterProcess;
But the RasterProc doesn't have the L_GetAutoTrimRect function. The COM interface offers me all I need except for the L_GetAutoTrimRec.
So I tried the VCL components:
LEADImage : TLEADImage;
LEADProc : TLEADRasterProcess;
L_GetAutoTrimRec function
TLEadImage has a Deskew but not a DeskewExt function.
TLEADProc has a DeskewExt function but it wants an IDispatch in stead of a TBitmapHandle, so I don't know how to put in the LEADImage.
So I tried to put-in the Raster:
L_GetAutoTrimRect(pointer(Raster.Bitmap), 130,pointer(@Rect)))) returns error -789.
The only thing that works is L_GetAutoTrimRect(pointer(LEADImage.Bitmap), 130,pointer(@Rect)).
But than I need to copy the Raster.Bitmap to the LEADImage.Bitmap. I tried to do this with the L_GetControlBitmap function from LTR14E.dll but
that returns error -13.
So either I need to know:
- how to put the LEADImage in the TLEADProc.DeskewExt function, or
- how to put the Raster.Bitmap in the L_GetAutoTrimRec function.
Can you tell me how this works and Which interface is best for me to use?
Alexander van Meerten
Icontact B.V.
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You already asked about using the DLL API function and I answered in this post:
However, since you don't need visual display, you can actually build your entire application using the DLL API function calls instead of the COM or the VCL components.
Both COM and VCL are mostly wrappers for the DLLs, so you will get access to all toolkit functionality that way.
Another advantage is that you won't have to settle with v14.5, because the latest version 15 contains DLL APIs, but not VCL and COM. Also, you can use the DLL API functions with Delphi, and v15 is shipped with Delphi demos that are installed under:
Maen Badwan
LEADTOOLS Technical Support
Groups: Registered
Posts: 4
Hello Maen,
Thanks for the help! It works perfectly with the DLL API functions. I'm using v15 now.
I added a Delphi class wrapper to make things easier. Maybe somebody can benefit from it.
Alexander van Meerten
Icontact B.V.
General Questions
Interface problem for Delphi Isapi Dll (L_GetAutoTrimRec)
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