General Questions
How can i draw the line in medical viewer?
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 53
Hello dude
I am using lead tools version 15.0, working in VB.Net environment using Medical Viewer control. In medical viewer sample project (MediaclViewerDemo)contain how to draw rectangle, circle and ellipse but not Line.. How can draw the Line in medical viewer control?
Thanks in Advance
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We do not
have a line annotation object in the Medicalviewer control. You can use the MedicalViewerAnnotationRuler.SimpleRuler
property and set it to true, this will give you a line-like annotation but with
dimensions. You can Also use the Arrow object instead.
I can also
submit a feature request for you, but there is no guarantee when (and if) our
engineers will implement this feature.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 53
Got it thanks a lot dude...
Thanks and Regards
General Questions
How can i draw the line in medical viewer?
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