General Questions
HOW TO: Uses BackgroundWorker class to load DICOM files into viewer allowing you to manipulate image
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Thursday, July 10, 2008 11:35:44 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered, Tech Support
Posts: 207
Was thanked: 3 time(s) in 3 post(s)
This Visual Studio 2005 project, written with C# and LEAD .NET (version 15), shows you how to populate the MedicalImageViewer with DICOM files in a background thread using the BackgroundWorker class. If the DICOM file contains multiple frames it adds the frames as subcells also allowing you to manipulate each one as it is loaded.
It shows you how to update a progress bar and cancel the loading process also.
This is simply one implementation of using the BackgroundWorker class. Please feel free to modify this to fit your needs.
Travis Montgomery
Senior Sales Engineer

General Questions
HOW TO: Uses BackgroundWorker class to load DICOM files into viewer allowing you to manipulate image
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