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MPEG2 UDP transport source/sink modules callback?
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 19
I'm trying to use your toolkit in a
c# project vs2005, but I'm begginer in DirectShow and I'm sure that I
don't know to use it correctly.
I expose you my needs;
my project receives 4 to 16 simultaneous UDP MPEG2TS streams,
has to add overlay image, text and timestamp and shows and captures
each stream in localmachine and sends by UDP the new streams with
In MPEG2 UDP transport source/sink modules, is
there any event about the state of UDP transport, for instance, what
happens if a UDP source stream finish, i have a callback notification
or something like this??
forgive me for my poor english and thanks in advance,
Mario Cruz.
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You can use the LEAD MPEG2 Transport Demultiplexer and check the IsStreaming property of the ILMMpgDmx Interface.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 19
thank you for your help,.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 19
I've checked your solution with ILMMpgDmx Interface and its property IsStreaming is always true when you receive UDP stream but it doesn't change its value to false when UDP stream stops.
Maybe, Video callback filter??
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The "IsStreaming" property can be false when you are playing a file and it does not indicate that the streaming has ended.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 19
Adnan ,
I try to check it again, but in my tests when UDP stream stopped, IsStreaming property didn't change....before that UDP Stream starts its value is false, changes to true value when receives UDP stream, but doesn't change when UDP Stream finish.
Anyway, I can check it again.
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The IsStreaming property is not used to indicate that the stream has stopped. It only tells you whether the playback was from file or streaming data.
If you are using our LMNetConnection Object, you can use the ILMNetConnection::IsConnected method to check the connection status.
General Questions
MPEG2 UDP transport source/sink modules callback?
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