General Questions
Re: Embed our WinForms Control (RasterImageViewer) in a Web IE and use Annotations
This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 1
i have run your demo. it work fine for local machine only.
in my dev environment i have
1. windowsXP
2. IIS 5.1
3. LeedTools Imaging Document 16
what should i do to run the application on other machines, within Intranet. means is there any IIS setting on my machine(host) or IE settings on other machine(client). i also did setting in .NET configurations as you mentioned.
thanks in advance.
Groups: Registered, Tech Support, Administrators
Posts: 764
I split this off of the original post (http://support.leadtools.com/SupportPortal/CS/forums/7662/ShowPost.aspx) because we typically don't allow replies to HOW TO posts just to keep them from getting cluttered.
Are you getting any errors on the client machine?
All you should have to do is create the URL Code group with the .NET configuration manager.
Keep in mind that this runs client side, so it could be that it's not finding the file on the client.
General Questions
Re: Embed our WinForms Control (RasterImageViewer) in a Web IE and use Annotations
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