This topic and its replies were posted before the current version of LEADTOOLS was released and may no longer be applicable.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 10
In .Net Application, i am able to get the values of DicomTagType.SamplesPerPixel.At the same time In VC++ Application not able to get the SamplesPerPixel values.Trying the following code,
CString sSamplesperpixel;
pElement = pSourceDS->FindFirstElement(NULL, TAG_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL, FALSE);
if (!pElement) return 1;
sSamplesperpixel = pSourceDS->GetStringValue(pElement, 0, 1);
Can you give a solution for me....
Groups: Registered, Tech Support, Administrators
Posts: 764
Is this for the same file?
Does this happen for all files or only some? If only some, please upload the file so I can inspect it.
Could you show me the .NET code snippet you're using?
What is the file version of Leadtools.dll and also the version of ltkrn*.dll that you are using?
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3.) Remove ANY AND ALL unlock codes and LEADTOOLS DLLs.
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Groups: Registered
Posts: 10
It happens for all the images when reading the samplesperpixel values in classlibrary\MSVC\DicomSrv Application.i can able to get the all tags values in DicomSrv application except samplesperpixel values.
Can you check application and kindly reply me
LeadTools File version is
ltkrn file version is
Groups: Registered, Tech Support, Administrators
Posts: 764
The DicomSrv demo doesn't try to get the value of TAG_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL anywhere in the code, so I'm assuming that you have modified the code.
Please send me the updated project so I can test it here.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 10
I have attached the SRVDlg.cpp.Include the SRVDlg.cpp to DicomSrv application. Please test the project and reply me.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 10
I have attached the SRVDlg.cpp.Include the
SRVDlg.cpp to DicomSrv application. Please test the project and reply
Groups: Registered, Tech Support, Administrators
Posts: 764
Our support department has received your email (ticket 2009012110000101 ). We are working on this issue and will respond back as soon as we have more information.
Groups: Registered, Tech Support, Administrators
Posts: 764
Sorry that I did not catch this earlier. The problem is that the samples per pixel tag has a VR type of US. Therefore you must use GetShortValue rather than GetStringValue.
The documentation for each Get*Value function will tell you which VR type it supports. Furthermore, the "Data Element Tag Table" article tells you which VR all of our tags are.
Groups: Registered
Posts: 10
I got it now.Thank you
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