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Wednesday, April 15, 2009 11:11:28 AM(UTC)
Groups: Registered
Posts: 4
hi there,
can anyone help me to read things from a running web cam? any example would help me to get forward in my project
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:48:36 PM(UTC)
Groups: Tech Support
Posts: 366
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In order to implement "reading" from a web cam, you will need to employ a combination of our multimedia SDK and Document Imaging SDK. Check out the capture demo for recording from a web cam. Once you can capture from the device, you'll need to select specific frames to process. This can be done either through the callback filter or by saving a temporary file with GetStillDIB/GetStillPicture. Once you have the image to process, you'll then need to OCR it to obtain the text. Check out the main OCR demo in the SDK for help on OCR, or you can check out a couple of the sample OCR projects on the forums, like these two:
Before running the image through the engine, you may want to perform some processing functions to make the image more ideal for the engine to read. The captured images should be no less than 150/200 DPI. The ideal is 300 DPI & the image should be black and white.
Walter Bates
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

Monday, June 8, 2009 6:06:39 AM(UTC)
Groups: Tech Support
Posts: 366
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I've posted a sample project here which utilizes our OCR Professional engine and our multimedia toolkit. This may be similar to what you're looking for:
Walter Bates
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

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