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#1 Posted : Monday, May 25, 2009 7:25:09 AM(UTC)

Adam Boulad  

Groups: Guests
Posts: 3,022

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The attached Visual Studio 2008 C# project uses our ltmmCapture control in a WPF program.
The application can preview the input from the available capture devices and capture a Video stream to an AVI file.
File Attachment(s):
CS_16_WPF_HostActivXControl.rar (19kb) downloaded 863 time(s).

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#2 Posted : Wednesday, May 27, 2009 7:54:14 AM(UTC)

Adam Boulad  

Groups: Guests
Posts: 3,022

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TUTORIAL: Host our multimedia ActiveX Controls in a WPF Application:

1- Start Visual Studio 2008.

2- Choose File => New Project, select C# and choose 'WPF Application' from the project templates. Name the project 'LEADPlayer_WPF'.

3- From the 'Solution Explorer' Menu, right-click on the 'LEADPlayer_WPF' solution and Add a new Project. Select the project type to be a 'Windows Forms Control Library' and name the project 'UserPlayerControl'.

4- Open the Toolbox, and add an ltmmPlayCtrl control to the UserControl form.

If the ltmmPlayCtrl does not exist in the Toolbox, do the following:

- Right-click in the Toolbox.
- Click Choose Items.
- Click the COM Components tab.
- Select the 'ltmmPlayCtrl' control.
- Click OK to accept the selection.

5- In Solution Explorer, right-click the UserControl1 file, and then click Rename. Rename the control to PlayControl.cs. If you are prompted to rename all references, click Yes.

6- Set the Dock property of the ltmmPlayCtrl control to Fill.

7- Right-click 'PlayControl.cs' in solution explorer, choose 'View Code' and add the following two methods after the PlayControl() function:

public void Stop ()
public void Play(string File)
this.axltmmPlayCtrl1.sourcefile = File;

8- Right-click 'Window1.xaml' and choose 'View Designer'.

9- Add a text box, two buttons and modify the buttons properties as follows:

Control Name: btnPlay
Control Content: Play

Control Name: btnStop
Control Content: Stop

10- Go to the Window1.xaml file in the XML editor and add a handler for the Window Loaded, btnPlay Click and btnStop events and give the grid tag a name. The code will be as follows:

Title="Window1" Height="402" Width="367" Loaded="Window_Loaded">


11- Rebuild 'UserPlayerControl' and add the following references to 'LEADPlayer_WPF':

- UserPlayerControl.dll
- System.Windows.Forms.dll
- WindowsFormsIntegration.dll

12- In 'Window1.xaml.cs' add the following to the beginning of the file:

using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Integration;
And define the following global variable:
UserPlayerControl.PlayControl uc1;

13- In the Window_Loaded event,  the following code

WindowsFormsHost host = new WindowsFormsHost();
uc1 = new UserPlayerControl.PlayControl();
host.Child = uc1;
DockPanel.SetDock(host, Dock.Top);
textBox1.Text = "c:\\sample.avi";

14- In the btnPlay_Click event,  the following code

15- In the bntStop_Click event, add the following code:

16- Compile and run.

The following post also shows how to add ltmmPlayCtrl to a C# WPF application:

#3 Posted : Tuesday, March 6, 2012 2:55:45 AM(UTC)
Maen Hasan

Groups: Registered, Tech Support
Posts: 1,326

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I am attaching a C# 2010 WPF project that shows how you can use LEADTOOLS Multimedia .Net capture control with WPF and display the clock in real-time.

Note that I hosted our Leadtools.Multimedia.CaptureCtrl .Net control in WPF using the WindowsFormsHost Class. For more information, please see the following page:

Maen Badwan
LEADTOOLS Technical Support
File Attachment(s):
CsWPFMM175.zip (19kb) downloaded 864 time(s).
#4 Posted : Sunday, July 27, 2014 6:53:46 AM(UTC)


Groups: Tech Support
Posts: 366

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Please note that if you add one of the LEADTOOLS controls to the WindowsFormsHost control through XAML, you will need to handle the disposal of the control. If you do not, you may see a null reference exception when the application closes due to the WindowsFormsHost attempting to access the already disposed control. To prevent this, assign the Child element to null after getting the handle to the LEADTOOLS control. Here is some sample code to illustrate:

              Leadtools.Multimedia.PlayCtrl player = WinFormHost.Child as Leadtools.Multimedia.PlayCtrl;
              WinFormHost.Child = null;

              if (player != null)
                 if (player.State == PlayState.Running)

Walter Bates
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.
#5 Posted : Monday, June 5, 2017 5:24:28 AM(UTC)


Groups: Tech Support
Posts: 366

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Attached is an updated Visual Studio 2017 project using LEADTOOLS 19.

The multimedia unlocking code is referenced in the main Form constructor. Update the global variable before running this project to remove the NAG message.

File Attachment(s):
CsWPFMM19.zip (9kb) downloaded 735 time(s).
Walter Bates
Senior Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.
#6 Posted : Wednesday, July 3, 2019 11:13:44 AM(UTC)


Groups: Registered, Tech Support, Administrators
Posts: 15

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Updated to LEADTOOLS v20 with Visual Studio 2017.
Extract folder to "C:\LEADTOOLS 20\Examples\DotNet\CS\" to use this example.
File Attachment(s):
CsWPFMM20.zip (490kb) downloaded 70 time(s).
Blaise Kress
Developer Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.
#7 Posted : Friday, October 27, 2023 1:24:04 PM(UTC)

Groups: Registered, Tech Support, Administrators
Posts: 89

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Updated to work with the LEADTOOLS v22 SDK.
Below is both an updated v22 CaptureCtrl implementation, as well as a v22 PlayCtrl implementation.

File Attachment(s):
CsWpfCaptCtrlMM22.zip (516kb) downloaded 7 time(s).

File Attachment(s):
CsWpfPlayCtrlMM22.zip (534kb) downloaded 5 time(s).

Chris Thompson
Developer Support Engineer
LEAD Technologies, Inc.

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