I have been attempting to put a white top border on an image, adding an annotation and saving.
The basics work well, the problem occurs with the back ground image and combining a bitonal (1-bit tiff). When I combine a colour JPG no inversion.
The new creation and fill work and give a white canvas to work on, but the combine really mucks things up. I have tried many combinations of the CombineCommandFlags and can get all white or all black and inverted but not the normal white background black text.
Any input bitonal does this, I used the barcode1.tif from the Leadtools Images directory to make sure it was not my images causing an issue.
Here is the code that I am using. (VS2008/VB.Net).
Friend Sub exportImage(ByVal sourceFile As String, ByVal destinationFile As String, ByVal annotation As String)
Dim codecs As New RasterCodecs
Dim image As RasterImage
Dim codecInfo As CodecsImageInfo
codecInfo = codecs.GetInformation(sourceFile, True)
Dim byteOrder As New CodecsLoadByteOrder
byteOrder = CType(codecInfo.Order, CodecsLoadByteOrder)
codecs.Options.Load.InitAlpha = True
image = codecs.Load(sourceFile, codecInfo.Width, codecInfo.Height, codecInfo.BitsPerPixel, RasterSizeFlags.None, byteOrder)
'Build the annotation
Dim textAnn As New AnnTextObject
Dim annImage As RasterImage
annImage = New RasterImage(RasterMemoryFlags.Conventional, image.Width, image.Height + 50, image.BitsPerPixel, image.Order, rasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero, 0)
Dim cmdFill As New FillCommand
cmdFill.Color = New RasterColor(Drawing.Color.White)
Dim cmdCombine As New CombineCommand
':: Problem appears here ::
' Have tried many variations on
Dim combineFlags As New CombineCommandFlags
combineFlags = CombineCommandFlags.SourceCopy
cmdCombine.Flags = combineFlags
cmdCombine.DestinationRectangle = New Rectangle(0, 50, image.Width, image.Height)
cmdCombine.SourceImage = image
cmdCombine.SourcePoint = New Point(0, 0)
textAnn.Bounds = New AnnRectangle(0, 0, image.Width, 50)
textAnn.TextRotate = AnnTextRotate.Rotate0
textAnn.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
textAnn.Brush = New AnnSolidBrush(Drawing.Color.Black)
textAnn.EdgeMargin = AnnLength.Empty
textAnn.Font = New AnnFont(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, New AnnLength(48), FontStyle.Bold)
textAnn.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
textAnn.Pen = New AnnPen(Drawing.Color.Black, New AnnLength(5))
textAnn.Text = annotation
textAnn.TextColor = Drawing.Color.White
'We have to burn the annotation via a viewer
Dim annViewer As New RasterImageViewer
annViewer.Image = annImage
Dim annManager As New AnnAutomationManager
Dim annAuto As New AnnAutomation(annManager, annViewer)
annAuto.Container.Objects.Add(textAnn) 'add the annotation to the images container
annAuto.Realize() 'burn the annotation to the image
annImage = annViewer.Image
'What format is the file being saved in, assume defaults for now i.e. what we read in
Dim imageFormat As RasterImageFormat
Dim bitsPerPixel As Integer
Dim pageMode As CodecsSavePageMode
imageFormat = codecInfo.Format
bitsPerPixel = codecInfo.BitsPerPixel
pageMode = CodecsSavePageMode.Overwrite
'What format do we want to save in
If bitsPerPixel = 1 Then
imageFormat = RasterImageFormat.CcittGroup4
imageFormat = RasterImageFormat.TifJpeg411
End If
codecs.Save(annImage, destinationFile, imageFormat, bitsPerPixel, 1, 1, 1, pageMode)
'Clean up
End Sub